Gak! it smells of nail varnish remover in here..Poo!!
Well Merry Christmas all you badgers! Hope yours were full of magic and wonderment and that your loot was spectacular!
I can tell you've been wating with baited breath to find the answer to the riddle of my future...... well the answer is
Weren't expecting that were ya? (unless you read [MEMBER=Celeste's] journal, or texted me til i told you!)
I've set the wheels in motion to become involved with Greenpeace initially, just as a way in really. I need to do quite a bit of research to find out what actually happens and what i can do. It's been impossible for me to escape my concerns about such a lot of things recently, things that have always been important to me, but have been overlooked for some reason. I'm back to shouting at the tv and throwing newspapers at the wall in disgust. So why not use my powers for good, so few people do, so few ever take a stand and say 'this is important, why are things this way? what can we do to make it better?' and i've always been guilty of being an armchair everything really, critic, activist, politician and thats worse than being one of those who doesn't care, because i do care, i care enough to get furiously angry, so why waste it? Bottle it and sell it in schools, it's the future peeps!
I wonder if there's a place in any charity for someone to roam the earth aboard a great big bike, traveling from village to village imparting the gift of bass to each and every one! I'm sure there must be.
Here's a question for you, in the ongoing 'sort Jakes life out' series...
I'm getting seriously (screamingly, want to beat them all to a whimpering bloody, twitching pulp) frustrated with my band and their complete inability to commit to ever doing anything.
So, do i...
a) Stick with it, given that when we do write, our new songs are amazing, and when we gig our shows are fantastic. Pour my heart and soul into it and emerge at the end of next year either with a record deal or a broken man.
b) Stick with it, but worry not about it, let them plan everything and allow it to fizzle out, while i plan the rest of my life including getting out of this bloody town!
c) Quit, start a new band with another mate, get a singer and attempt to conquor(?) the world with a new industrial/goth/punk/metal thing. (bearing in mind my age is somewhat of a factor!)
Answers on a post it note please.
I've been having a few really bad days recently, i think it's a combination of the time of year, being alone for the first time in a while and frustration with the band. I reached an all time low yesterday, normally i can sit and write my problems away, or at least into a clearer state. However when i sat down with my book all i could think was 'what's the point in writing songs that will never get heard?' and i've never fancied myself as a poet (my fringe isn't floppy enough any more!). So i'm gonna take a few days off writing, work out what to do with the band and be ready, come new year to set the world on fire whatever it is i decide to do! Yee Haa!
Did i tell you i need glasses!
Ha fucking Ha!
It came as a shock to me i can tell you, i'm mr 20/20 vision me or so i thought. In actuality my right eye is a feeble runt of a thing that probably wet the bed and got it's lunch money stolen at school! Bah! i have a gay eye!
Fortunately, i quite suit specs so i've ordered a rather dashing pair (can't afford them, not sure how i'm gonna pay the balance but meh!....ahh that explains where all the money went!)
Hats and specs, lucky that way i guess (tell you what god, you can keep the hats and specs and i'll have me hair back, hows that?)
How bout reccomending me your favourite book or album of the year to keep me amused?
Well Merry Christmas all you badgers! Hope yours were full of magic and wonderment and that your loot was spectacular!
I can tell you've been wating with baited breath to find the answer to the riddle of my future...... well the answer is
Weren't expecting that were ya? (unless you read [MEMBER=Celeste's] journal, or texted me til i told you!)
I've set the wheels in motion to become involved with Greenpeace initially, just as a way in really. I need to do quite a bit of research to find out what actually happens and what i can do. It's been impossible for me to escape my concerns about such a lot of things recently, things that have always been important to me, but have been overlooked for some reason. I'm back to shouting at the tv and throwing newspapers at the wall in disgust. So why not use my powers for good, so few people do, so few ever take a stand and say 'this is important, why are things this way? what can we do to make it better?' and i've always been guilty of being an armchair everything really, critic, activist, politician and thats worse than being one of those who doesn't care, because i do care, i care enough to get furiously angry, so why waste it? Bottle it and sell it in schools, it's the future peeps!
I wonder if there's a place in any charity for someone to roam the earth aboard a great big bike, traveling from village to village imparting the gift of bass to each and every one! I'm sure there must be.
Here's a question for you, in the ongoing 'sort Jakes life out' series...
I'm getting seriously (screamingly, want to beat them all to a whimpering bloody, twitching pulp) frustrated with my band and their complete inability to commit to ever doing anything.
So, do i...
a) Stick with it, given that when we do write, our new songs are amazing, and when we gig our shows are fantastic. Pour my heart and soul into it and emerge at the end of next year either with a record deal or a broken man.
b) Stick with it, but worry not about it, let them plan everything and allow it to fizzle out, while i plan the rest of my life including getting out of this bloody town!
c) Quit, start a new band with another mate, get a singer and attempt to conquor(?) the world with a new industrial/goth/punk/metal thing. (bearing in mind my age is somewhat of a factor!)
Answers on a post it note please.
I've been having a few really bad days recently, i think it's a combination of the time of year, being alone for the first time in a while and frustration with the band. I reached an all time low yesterday, normally i can sit and write my problems away, or at least into a clearer state. However when i sat down with my book all i could think was 'what's the point in writing songs that will never get heard?' and i've never fancied myself as a poet (my fringe isn't floppy enough any more!). So i'm gonna take a few days off writing, work out what to do with the band and be ready, come new year to set the world on fire whatever it is i decide to do! Yee Haa!

Did i tell you i need glasses!

Ha fucking Ha!
It came as a shock to me i can tell you, i'm mr 20/20 vision me or so i thought. In actuality my right eye is a feeble runt of a thing that probably wet the bed and got it's lunch money stolen at school! Bah! i have a gay eye!
Fortunately, i quite suit specs so i've ordered a rather dashing pair (can't afford them, not sure how i'm gonna pay the balance but meh!....ahh that explains where all the money went!)
Hats and specs, lucky that way i guess (tell you what god, you can keep the hats and specs and i'll have me hair back, hows that?)

How bout reccomending me your favourite book or album of the year to keep me amused?
Em xox
Hope you had a fabulous night and that the hangover today is not impingeing too much on you fitting into the pencil skirt.