Oh what the hell, i'm here now! First i was then i wasn't now i can't be arsed not to! So prepare for the usual unchecked onslaught of exclamation marks and misplaced punctuation. Also i appear completely unable to type this evening, just warning you.
We played the Tourdates launch party in brum on thursday and it was an absolute riot, we had a lot of fun anyway. I was so proud of the way that we poured our hearts and souls into our performance, knowing what an important night for our manager as he's worked his arse off to set the site up so pop along and join up, there's free downloads n shit. hmmm i'd better go do our page actually.
Though judging by the pic of me afterwards i'm not sure what was in the free JD but it's stolen my nose!
My weekend was fairly shit to be honest, things weren't right with the band, nothing was getting done regarding selling tickets for our coach to the Dublin Castle show, i've just been feeling like i'm preparing myself for what i'm gonna do when the band ends which is sad, because it's always been so important to me and i feel like i'm casting off into a big scary space. Anyway we got everything sorted eventually, despite the biggest Murdoc 'difference of opinion' ever at practice last night. So we're taking a minibus to london instead but at least there'll be people there.
Monday night however was fantastic, i went to see Rob Newman and Mark Thomas at a little theatre in town. Ah comedy genius! I'd forgotten how funny Rob Newman can be and Mark Thomas always kills me! i just wish, as i always do at these things, that i could remember more, the only bits that spring easily to mind are, Listening to 'Rock around the clock' played on banjo and sung in ancient sumerian. And the immortal line: 'we come to you for flights of whimsy, monkey boy'
Which frankly are enough for me!
If you're in Camden, in fact if you're in britain on saturday night please please please come to the Dublin Castle in Camden about 8.30. tell you're there for Murdoc and we'll do the rest!! COME SEE US!!
Oh or at the Brunswick in Gloucester on friday!
Oh i can't concentrate any more.... there's pasta to be eaten!
Fucking hell!! i've just re read that! it's not so much misplaced punctuation as akin to listening to a child with ADD. I'll have to replace it tommorrow when i may be able to think!
We played the Tourdates launch party in brum on thursday and it was an absolute riot, we had a lot of fun anyway. I was so proud of the way that we poured our hearts and souls into our performance, knowing what an important night for our manager as he's worked his arse off to set the site up so pop along and join up, there's free downloads n shit. hmmm i'd better go do our page actually.
Though judging by the pic of me afterwards i'm not sure what was in the free JD but it's stolen my nose!
My weekend was fairly shit to be honest, things weren't right with the band, nothing was getting done regarding selling tickets for our coach to the Dublin Castle show, i've just been feeling like i'm preparing myself for what i'm gonna do when the band ends which is sad, because it's always been so important to me and i feel like i'm casting off into a big scary space. Anyway we got everything sorted eventually, despite the biggest Murdoc 'difference of opinion' ever at practice last night. So we're taking a minibus to london instead but at least there'll be people there.
Monday night however was fantastic, i went to see Rob Newman and Mark Thomas at a little theatre in town. Ah comedy genius! I'd forgotten how funny Rob Newman can be and Mark Thomas always kills me! i just wish, as i always do at these things, that i could remember more, the only bits that spring easily to mind are, Listening to 'Rock around the clock' played on banjo and sung in ancient sumerian. And the immortal line: 'we come to you for flights of whimsy, monkey boy'

If you're in Camden, in fact if you're in britain on saturday night please please please come to the Dublin Castle in Camden about 8.30. tell you're there for Murdoc and we'll do the rest!! COME SEE US!!
Oh or at the Brunswick in Gloucester on friday!

Oh i can't concentrate any more.... there's pasta to be eaten!
Fucking hell!! i've just re read that! it's not so much misplaced punctuation as akin to listening to a child with ADD. I'll have to replace it tommorrow when i may be able to think!