Hey! and hello! i'm back, i had the most amazing week ever, i've done things i never thought i would get the chance to. You know your list of things to do before you die? well i managed to check off quite a few of them. In no particular order...
watched whales playing in the ocean,
flew in a Huey,
fired a 9mm Beretta,
stood at the Cape of good hope,
was awestruck flying over Africa, particularly watching the sun set over the Sahara,
ate oysters,
climed Table mountain,
Plus a load of other fun stuff.
My main memory though is just of being like i said, awestruck by everything, the scenery, the wildlife, the people, the history, the sheer scale of everything, the culture clash, the contrasts and juxtaposition between affluence and abject poverty. I'd like to say that it's really put things in perspective for me, and maybe it has but today i feel low, really lonely.
I feel like i don't know where my priorities lie anymore, maybe the things i thought important aren't, maybe, i don't know. Could just be post holiday blues, i won't whinge too much it was an outstanding week.
I can't wait to post the pics, particularly of the Huey flight! It was incredible, a bit sad and boyish maybe but that helicopter is such an icon, the sound, the shape it just is every vietnam movie you've ever seen, and to watch that shadow race across the ground while you hang out of the open side door was the coolest thing ever! As for skimming across the breaking waves no more than 10ft above the crests was beautiful.
Well i've tried running my worries and fears away, and that didn't work but i feel better just for letting that little bit out, so thanks for listening.
watched whales playing in the ocean,
flew in a Huey,
fired a 9mm Beretta,
stood at the Cape of good hope,
was awestruck flying over Africa, particularly watching the sun set over the Sahara,
ate oysters,
climed Table mountain,
Plus a load of other fun stuff.
My main memory though is just of being like i said, awestruck by everything, the scenery, the wildlife, the people, the history, the sheer scale of everything, the culture clash, the contrasts and juxtaposition between affluence and abject poverty. I'd like to say that it's really put things in perspective for me, and maybe it has but today i feel low, really lonely.
I feel like i don't know where my priorities lie anymore, maybe the things i thought important aren't, maybe, i don't know. Could just be post holiday blues, i won't whinge too much it was an outstanding week.
I can't wait to post the pics, particularly of the Huey flight! It was incredible, a bit sad and boyish maybe but that helicopter is such an icon, the sound, the shape it just is every vietnam movie you've ever seen, and to watch that shadow race across the ground while you hang out of the open side door was the coolest thing ever! As for skimming across the breaking waves no more than 10ft above the crests was beautiful.
Well i've tried running my worries and fears away, and that didn't work but i feel better just for letting that little bit out, so thanks for listening.
hehe. that made me laugh ALOT. I'd completely forgotten what i'd said to you.

Would say all planned out, but I'm attempting to get stuff done at least!