So does anybody know any members in South Africa? I was hoping to meet up with some when i was out there, i'm thinking they may be more fun than my colleagues!
So, whats up? etc i'm not feeling particularly motivated this morning, i have to pay the council tax and clean the car then get cleaned up for tonight.... but i can't really be arsed to do any of it! i just wanna sit here and happily type bollocks all day.
It's great living with my flatmates, i really must get some photos of em up, i must get more photos up full stop, we seem to be working really well together, despite the fact that neither of them ever seems to go to work! ash has done i think ones weeks work in the month that we've been here. I feel like a blue-arsed fly in comparison, always at work, then either at practice or workin out then seeing people, then sitting round talkin shite with those two! And such shite we talk!
Oh i'll get the band plug outta the way now, We've been invited to play The Dublin Castle in Camden on November 26th, which is a pretty good opportunity for us, we've been trying to get in for years and we really really REALLY need all the support we can get. If you're in london it would be great if you could come, i can't sort guest lists for ya but come see me and i'll try and get you a cd or something. If you're in Gloucester or Cheltenham we're putting on a coach, probably cost about 12 covering both coach and entry to the club and the rock night after. If you want tickets get in touch, PLEASE come, oh and checkout our new
nullmyspace page Thats all thank you!
Do you ever see people, people who seem to shine? you know like all of a sudden everything becomes background to them, they are all that's in focus. Do you ever feel 'you're somebody... you will make a difference' not always good and not always bad but there will be significance, from here on in things will never be the same. I think i've met 4 people like that in my life, one of whom literally grabbed my arm in street and said 'come with me it'll be fantastic' and it was, seven years later she's just asked me to be her best man.
It's funny how some things last no matter what, mind you i thought that one ended in an explosion a drugs, destructive relationships, anorexia and a minor breakdown five years ago! I don't know whats made me think of this recently, it's not like i've met anyone significant but it has been playing on my mind, maybe i should pay more attention to whats going on around me, you know, watch out for the signs open myself up a bit more and take some goddamm chances! which to be fair, i've been doing and quite interesting it is.
I do have moments of fear and doubt, when i miss her, i miss the intimacy, the conversation.... anyway, fuck! time is getting away from me and the council nazis will cut me no slack.... where are the council offices in Cheltenham? oh bugger.......
So, whats up? etc i'm not feeling particularly motivated this morning, i have to pay the council tax and clean the car then get cleaned up for tonight.... but i can't really be arsed to do any of it! i just wanna sit here and happily type bollocks all day.
It's great living with my flatmates, i really must get some photos of em up, i must get more photos up full stop, we seem to be working really well together, despite the fact that neither of them ever seems to go to work! ash has done i think ones weeks work in the month that we've been here. I feel like a blue-arsed fly in comparison, always at work, then either at practice or workin out then seeing people, then sitting round talkin shite with those two! And such shite we talk!
Oh i'll get the band plug outta the way now, We've been invited to play The Dublin Castle in Camden on November 26th, which is a pretty good opportunity for us, we've been trying to get in for years and we really really REALLY need all the support we can get. If you're in london it would be great if you could come, i can't sort guest lists for ya but come see me and i'll try and get you a cd or something. If you're in Gloucester or Cheltenham we're putting on a coach, probably cost about 12 covering both coach and entry to the club and the rock night after. If you want tickets get in touch, PLEASE come, oh and checkout our new
nullmyspace page Thats all thank you!
Do you ever see people, people who seem to shine? you know like all of a sudden everything becomes background to them, they are all that's in focus. Do you ever feel 'you're somebody... you will make a difference' not always good and not always bad but there will be significance, from here on in things will never be the same. I think i've met 4 people like that in my life, one of whom literally grabbed my arm in street and said 'come with me it'll be fantastic' and it was, seven years later she's just asked me to be her best man.
It's funny how some things last no matter what, mind you i thought that one ended in an explosion a drugs, destructive relationships, anorexia and a minor breakdown five years ago! I don't know whats made me think of this recently, it's not like i've met anyone significant but it has been playing on my mind, maybe i should pay more attention to whats going on around me, you know, watch out for the signs open myself up a bit more and take some goddamm chances! which to be fair, i've been doing and quite interesting it is.
I do have moments of fear and doubt, when i miss her, i miss the intimacy, the conversation.... anyway, fuck! time is getting away from me and the council nazis will cut me no slack.... where are the council offices in Cheltenham? oh bugger.......
I really hope you can make the next Il Bordello!its Thursday 27th October.
awww feckin' hell