i bought a couple of Derrida's books. hihi oink biggrin
Yay, I'm in someone's favorites! That always makes me smile. smile
i'll watch Lost in Translation for 2nd time this weekend.
It's a great film. in fact it's my favorite movie. Probably it's hard to understand for most of you, but it's worth watching anyway. I've been ranting this in past two weeks,,,,so people are tired of hearing of it, though.
nice weekend,

whoever you are see this entry

"confusion" once announced by one often becomes to merely draw attentions of others, or at least so it seems.

Don't waste your time on this,

Two guys are watching Discovery channel which is following some primitive culture, or so it's called.

One is a businessman, and the other is a philosopher.

Now the businessman makes a remark as if he intended to duplicate the philosopher's expectation: in somewhat sympathetic voice, "Look at him. He is drinking still warm, fresh blood of a cow! And...
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this is particularily boring for most people, so don't waste your time if you are not willing to.
i had a discussion with kevin again

i'm speaking completely irresponsible so please don't be offended, those who go to Western University

anyway, when we past by WU(looks like washignton university,,haha) he said, "i hope i won't be operated by somebody graduated from there"
"how so?"
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It's weird how you spelled surgeon incorrectly so many times and then got it right just the once at the end.
my perfect expectation was confirmed,
it happened.
i didn't expect it'd actually happen.
i want to be confused
too late i already rationalized it.

i want it to be rainy tonight
just to drown
now i'm confused...
okay, i'm still up,,,at 4;32 now.
one of the finals is tomorrow.
I's playing ma-jann.

therefore, i'll excel on the final oink
i just watched 21 grams that made me go to the beach right away.
i'm glad sean penn is around when i'm alive.

sorry you are so tired and study driven
Man without applying to our own life and strife and future what can we call philosophy?
If some updating interpretation will be repeated, then it's the same as cheesy lingering attachment...
oh he really meant....ahh she actually meant....

Suppose this site is for fucking dicks to check chicks out...right?
