I just read your thoughts on no make up week. Thank you for sharing them. I just wanted to state as a man, I get so sick of women that wear way too much make up. I am a proponent of no make up week. I think it is a great idea to raise awareness about how beautiful the female face is in it's natural state. I always felt kind of like an outcast for liking my girlfriend's morning face. Maybe it's because I appreciate honesty in a presentation. That being said...I do like when a woman turns up a little "show business" once in a while, it's flirty and fun. Just as a man, I like to really dress to the nines once in a while.
Just wanted to let you know there is straight male support out here for no make up and I always appreciate a woman for an el naturale choice.
Just wanted to let you know there is straight male support out here for no make up and I always appreciate a woman for an el naturale choice.