Well I managed to survive another meeting with the SG local here in calgary, this meeting started at MING and I just happened to get their a bit early thinking people might show up early as well, so got their around 6:45ish............others didnt arrive until 8:30 if my then innebriated mind serves me correct.
It was all good, the music at ming was excellent which helped pass the time, as did trying to cure this cold or flue by trying every alchoholic warm drink they had on the menu and then a few drinks named after a few Commies that I respected .
Once people had arrived I spent most of my energies concentrating on trying not to look/act like an innebriated ass (I dont think I succeeded in my efforts though).
We then moved to a bar with cheaper drinks, and then shortly after went to the peelers where upon entering bad memories surfaced not to mention the legitaimate excuse of needing to catch the last train closed what was for the majority a really good night.
Anyhoo worked the next day, nothing special, still sick but not feeling bad and then today had monday off, stayed home and did nothing except watch a movie with the parents.
It was some artsy film about Irish immigrants immigrating into what would be post 9/11 america.
Was a bit too predicteable, I didnt really connect with what the characters were experiancing(most likely because of the state of mind I am in).
It was all good, the music at ming was excellent which helped pass the time, as did trying to cure this cold or flue by trying every alchoholic warm drink they had on the menu and then a few drinks named after a few Commies that I respected .
Once people had arrived I spent most of my energies concentrating on trying not to look/act like an innebriated ass (I dont think I succeeded in my efforts though).
We then moved to a bar with cheaper drinks, and then shortly after went to the peelers where upon entering bad memories surfaced not to mention the legitaimate excuse of needing to catch the last train closed what was for the majority a really good night.
Anyhoo worked the next day, nothing special, still sick but not feeling bad and then today had monday off, stayed home and did nothing except watch a movie with the parents.
It was some artsy film about Irish immigrants immigrating into what would be post 9/11 america.
Was a bit too predicteable, I didnt really connect with what the characters were experiancing(most likely because of the state of mind I am in).
I know, I get into a blind burning rage everytime I see the trailer for 'I Robot'; the sad thing is there are so many people who are like 'dude that looks awsome, I'm so gonna see it but who's that Assimov guy? Did he write any other movies?
hello there ...