Well I got all creative with my SG pins that I finnally received and decided to make my work place touque a little bit more trendy:

My coat is a little bit more trendy as well with pins on the sleeves and around the collar.
Hope everyone had a good international womens day, on wednesday finnaly got to meet aya in person, as well as teddykev and of course te stallwart Lavonne showed up, thus we have passed a milestone this week for our SG meet up in that we manage dot fill up a table, now to work on filling the Haymarket to at least half full hehe.
Other then that I have decided to go to the emergency war conference being held by the SEP and their student organisation ISSE in Ann Arbor as the CPC has positioned themselves back into a liquidationist position by courting organisations/taking the same positions as said organisation of class collaborationist political nature I.E. calling for a vote for the Liberals in order to defeat the Tories.
Their really is no avenue to combat such a manuever within the country as the last email bulletin board we had left for discussion was effectively shutdown with no intention of ever using it for discussion again(not to mention that their will not be another central convention for 4 years, with all the same central exectutives keeping their jobs who had no problems publishing the need to vote for the liberasl in the paper prior to the election) .
In the end ones gotta know when to grab a life raft off a sinking ship..........
My conversations with the SEP have confirmed that the core group in my club share alot of similar stances on issues to a degree that would make such a transition rather painless, if not have some definite benefits from having a coherent international organisation for support.
Anyways the investigation continues, all I know is that I will not be joining the spartacists anytime soon......
When my mom questions exactly what is communist about uncritically supporting NAMBLA you know your organisation is not going anywhere!

My coat is a little bit more trendy as well with pins on the sleeves and around the collar.
Hope everyone had a good international womens day, on wednesday finnaly got to meet aya in person, as well as teddykev and of course te stallwart Lavonne showed up, thus we have passed a milestone this week for our SG meet up in that we manage dot fill up a table, now to work on filling the Haymarket to at least half full hehe.
Other then that I have decided to go to the emergency war conference being held by the SEP and their student organisation ISSE in Ann Arbor as the CPC has positioned themselves back into a liquidationist position by courting organisations/taking the same positions as said organisation of class collaborationist political nature I.E. calling for a vote for the Liberals in order to defeat the Tories.
Their really is no avenue to combat such a manuever within the country as the last email bulletin board we had left for discussion was effectively shutdown with no intention of ever using it for discussion again(not to mention that their will not be another central convention for 4 years, with all the same central exectutives keeping their jobs who had no problems publishing the need to vote for the liberasl in the paper prior to the election) .
In the end ones gotta know when to grab a life raft off a sinking ship..........
My conversations with the SEP have confirmed that the core group in my club share alot of similar stances on issues to a degree that would make such a transition rather painless, if not have some definite benefits from having a coherent international organisation for support.
Anyways the investigation continues, all I know is that I will not be joining the spartacists anytime soon......
When my mom questions exactly what is communist about uncritically supporting NAMBLA you know your organisation is not going anywhere!

It was great meating you guys; I'll be back for sure.