More ink. Soon to be vampire girl got colored in. Another 2 hours under the needle.

More Korean food. Soon Doo Boo (Veggie) with mass spice.

Tonight is Dork Night.

Absolutely. I had much fun.
Sweet. Had the fried organic oyster mushrooms at Tea Pot again. They are rising up the ranks of my favorite vegan restaurants.

Yesterday was Yoga, a bit of T'ai Chi, then weights and climbing. Darcie was my partner in crime for the last part of it. Very festive.

No hard exercise today for me unfortunately...or maybe fortunately since I am chilling in anticipation of my...
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Well, I just had 8 types of Chinese teas.

2 Hong Cha (red teas)
2 Pu'erh Cha (aged teas...one green, one black)
2 Oolong Cha (60%-70% oxidation teas)
2 Ali Shan greens that were skunky and cool.

I have enough of a charge in me I could run all the appliances in my house.

Also had fried Oyster Mushrooms as an appetizer/dinner at the vegan...
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hmm, well usually i don't come out thursday nights, i like to go out tuesdays somewhere else, but i probably won't this week. i have a meeting at work tomorrow night. and because the place i work at is odd, it's until 10 at night.

how was your day?
Thanks he's a super momma's boy. smile
I got to brutalize myself yesterday. Did the usual morning yoga/aerobic/pilates thing and then later went to the gym for a total-failure weight session (as a warm-up) and did some lead climbing to top it off. Fucking excellent time.

Today I am supposed to start the day by climbing for a couple of hours. Let's see if that actually happens wink

ooo aaa
You're so sctive you make my head hurt!
(Plus you remind me that I've been ignoring the gym for almost 2 weeks.) wink

My workout routine has been fucked all week thanks to work and other stuff.

I will probably do some lifting tonight, but it is just a snack when I need a feast.
The Korean place under Buddha on Cap Hill rules. I got the tofu hot pot and a big-ass mung bean pancake thingie and oodles of kimchi. I feel pretty rad. The clock is ticking to see how long until the pain sets in, though. Heh heh heh. I better sleep alone tonight. ooo aaa
Kimchee is sooo nasty. A friend opened a jar in my kitchen and it smelled for an hour. He stuck it in my fridge for an hour, and my fridge smelled for a week.
You eat enough and you start to sweat it out. But that's fune since it is SOOO damn yummy.

Yoga with Hopey is good fun. I recommend it highly.

I understand about Cole. She seemed like a handful.

Jarboe, Deerhoof, Nouvelle Vague and Chuck Palahniuk are the only things I'm that interested in, and I've seen them all before... I'll prolly skip it this year.
Bush Gardens is rad for karaoke. Drinks are cheap and strong. 2 for 1 appetizers through happy hour, but they're all cheap regardless. Like $4 each. The DJ host guy is awesome. I can't describe this little fellow accurately. You'll just have to see what I saw.

Up very late again...
Life is good. Good food (La Puerta rules). Good movies. Good company. Wish there were more hours in today.
Thanks to all who came out on Sunday for the b-day bowling fiesta and karaoke chaos event.

This was a rad time had by all and I got little sleep again. ooo aaa