Went climbing at Exit 38. Took a lovely whipper just after making the first clip. Ooops. Heh.

Had lunch and went climbing with a beautiful girl.

Wrote two more scenes. Discovered that my computer had eaten 3 other ones so I get to rewrite them. GRR.

Bought more clothes. I am the sex panther.
Today I said "Hello" to Margot Kidder.

And talked Jazz with Wayne Pygram. The guy's a straight-up, nice chap. Good drummer too.

Also, saw Peter Mayhew.

Bought a shit-load of art.

Bought toys.

I'm very tired.
I didn't see Kidder, but had a nice talk with Gene Ha. Bought one toy for my roommate (which promptly got opened and assembled) and bought two Conan graphic novels from the place that had half price graphic novels.

Also very tired.
Yeah, I'm friends with a couple of artists that were there. I hung out at their booth mostly. I don't remember the Dark Horse booth for some reason. I remember the Image booth and a couple of the others up front... but mostly I was in artist's alley.
Back from the mid-west. My my my.

I got to go climb in Madison. That was pretty cool.

My partner for the trip was rad. She's a head-banger and a total cutie. Way fun to be with.

Found a really good hot pot restaurant here in Seattle that rivals some of the ones in China. Joy.
I might have to get the name of that restaurant from you at some point.
Seriously, you should.
I need to go out and snap some pics during location scouting so we can have some reference material. I also need to do a few building designs for interiors, etc. to make it all correlate to what's in the script.

Took a funny fall on a 10c lead yesterday. Lucky I didn't break my damned leg.

Today was interesting. I did my usual weights, yoga, fighting stuff and went to work. I then hauled ass to the gym thinking I'd set some stuff. Instead, I found my buddy there and we climbed over a dozen leads. I also saw some people I climbed with a year ago. They didn't even vaguely recognize me...I am getting used to that.

I have...
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don't go to asia until may.
and classes?? oh god don't get me started.
finals week sucks. frown

let us know more of this graphic novel! blush
Note to self: Be single for valentines day. puke
Well that's a silly goal. You hate Valentine's Day so you show it by purposely isolating yourself and perpetuating your bitterness towards it. Yeah....that'll show it. whatever
Heh heh heh (Sinister laugh)

I now have all the Bond remastered DVD sets. That's right. I can now dork out to my heart's content on Vodka Martinis, Sex and Violence. Much like my high school days.

I am starting to learn kanji. I also get to have fun with verb forms this quarter. At least I will be more prolific in diction if still...
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Glad to hear you like my Gir shot (you can steal it from my page if you like) smile I like your "CLerks" pic!
Another day of Japanese tomorrow. My studying may even pay off. Too bad I can write it faster than I can speak it now.

Today, strangely, ruled in very odd ways.
Yeah, well talking to me usually has that effect.
Casino Royale ruled. I am very surprised.

We had black tea infused vodka and Yohimbe drinks afterward. Yum.

I am beat. Over the weekend I set 9 boulder problems, 2 leads and worked out for 4-6hrs each day.

I have a new favorite veggie Pho restaurant. Even better than Than Bros.

Also got to use my sawsall. Booyah!
So I've come down with that horrible cold/flu thing and T found out that they need her to work all day Sunday. She's still trying to get over being sick. We are vegging today. We need the rest. How about next weekend?
I heard Daniel Craig is the being called the best Bond since Connery. That's quite a distinction.
Welly welly well.

New Years should be a hoot. I will be down in Belltown which I have had a very mixed relationship with. It is chock full of precious little jocks and preppy doofuses, but you can find some good grub...also, most of the bar staff types prefer my sort of oddness to their clientle, so they tend to be way cool and fun...
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Belltown? On New Years? isn't that like the worst night for the jocks and preppies? Take pictures for us. We'll be hiding somewhere I won't feel like hitting people. When is midget porn night? Do you have a good Landlord?
I'm showing my nerd colors by getting that reference. wink