First, I want to apologize. This blog wont be as awesome as most of the others. Nexts weeks wont be much better either since I am heading back to my hometown for HALLOWEEN!!!!

I am so excited that Halloween is so close! I really dont feel like talking about anything else. HAHAHAHA Oh my. I really feel like making this a silly/more random blog. Like.. here are some questions I would love to hear your answers to
~What are you doing for Halloween?
~ Do you have a costume picked out? If so, what?
~Do you have any Halloween Traditions?
~ What are some of your Favorite Halloween images?
Aww yeah. This year I am going to the annual gang Halloween party back in my hometown ( I know I already kinda stated that.

New art! This new piece Gene!!!

I got my hair cut and colored today! What do you think? After shots are under the spoiler


The new PrincessCast is up. Check it out here if you want.
I also will be joining a new podcast, as well as writing pieces for another site.. Details when it starts to happen. I am excited.
I hope everyone is well. Here are your naughties.
honey <3