Spring break wasnt long enough!!!!!!!!
so you know, when you make a list to do, and then you keep saying, i will do it tomorrow.. omg thats my life.. and i really need to reassess what is important.. passing biology and my internship are things that are so important right now, and i keep blowing it off. I need better motivation, or just better skills in life i think sometimes.
I mean, its not like i dont have the time to do well, but i just fuck up everytime, by playing online, playing games, reading comics instead of text books.
there was another death in my family.. not really close to me per say, but close to my cuz. I spent the whole day with that side and learned how some people thought of me. People never seem to stop amazing me. People that I thought didnt give a rats ass, actully think im a pretty amazing young lady.
Big huge shout out to brave1. He sent me some BEAUTIFUL fairy earings that made my whole month! Thank you so much! and he is also recovering from back surgery. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
*deep breathe in*
Today is the beginning of the rest of my life, and im not going to just sit on my ass anymore.. im going to do something about it.. Life is passing me by and all i seem to want to do is eat and be lazy. NOT ANYMORE!!
Also, its been over a year since I have seen my best friend in the entire world! It sucks, and i miss her so much..
hugs and scratches!!!
so you know, when you make a list to do, and then you keep saying, i will do it tomorrow.. omg thats my life.. and i really need to reassess what is important.. passing biology and my internship are things that are so important right now, and i keep blowing it off. I need better motivation, or just better skills in life i think sometimes.
I mean, its not like i dont have the time to do well, but i just fuck up everytime, by playing online, playing games, reading comics instead of text books.
there was another death in my family.. not really close to me per say, but close to my cuz. I spent the whole day with that side and learned how some people thought of me. People never seem to stop amazing me. People that I thought didnt give a rats ass, actully think im a pretty amazing young lady.

Big huge shout out to brave1. He sent me some BEAUTIFUL fairy earings that made my whole month! Thank you so much! and he is also recovering from back surgery. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
*deep breathe in*
Today is the beginning of the rest of my life, and im not going to just sit on my ass anymore.. im going to do something about it.. Life is passing me by and all i seem to want to do is eat and be lazy. NOT ANYMORE!!
Also, its been over a year since I have seen my best friend in the entire world! It sucks, and i miss her so much..

hugs and scratches!!!

I was the exact same throughout university. although I do find that nothing focuses you quite like a massive last-minute panic.