So, yesterday was a very bad day..lets being shall we?
I woke up late, my mother had to come and wake me up.. fantastic..
I get to school on time, thank goodness, so I figure the worst has passed.
I go to my second class, and Im asked to leave because my coughing is disrupting the learning environment. *sigh* So embarrassed, I walk out and head to Tiffanys, check my bank statement and find that someone has stolen all the money in my account to pay off T-mobil, Papa Jones, and some energy company.. Me? Im freaking out..I call the bank and they state that I cant do anything until tomorrow because the fees haven't "really" gone through yet. yippee..
So I call T-mobile and their super nice, this is when Tiffany gets home from school and notices im upset, and offers to go to the bank with me. We get there, and they say the same thing the rude customer service lady did. We cant do anything until tomorrow. *sigh* so I get my debit card, credit card destroyed and Tiff and I head home after we go run some errands.
Little later on, we find out that Heath Ledger died.. *shock* i was very upset, I went numb.
Then, Tiff and I try to check our internet classes that have been down and what do we find.. Tons of work that is due today.. yay.. I come home and start working on it, when I check my account again, and more transactions went through, so i have a balance of -940 bucks.. holy shit.. no really.. holy shit..
Im tired and upset.. I had a huge crying fit that turned into rage and I pretty much took it out on my mom.. (not in a fight, just screaming the situation at her in my room with the door shut) shes so supportive..
Not to mention I had to miss the senior seminar class that i help TA so I can come home and try and get to the bank again. (Thank you Dr. Archer for rocking) and I have to be late for my internship (again) to take care of it.. (Thank you Mrs. Shaw.)
Today i went to the bank, because it was resolved, and they asked me if i was sure i didnt buy a new phone, or paid my energy bill or ate pizza.
I looked at them and said, does it look like i had tasty pizza this weekend? nope, does my phone say t- mobile or look like a t mobile phone? i didnt think so

I feel helpless and stupid..

that's so messed up.....i wanna go burn the house down where the electric was paid - really they should burn for messing with you.....once someone tried to charge a plane ticket from la to chicago on my account so i know some of what you're going thru...good luck and best wishes as always....hugs and scratches !
Gahh...that happened with me and my car and the bank. I hate banks....I hate corporations....