Hey guys,
I hope everyone is doing well! Me? Stressed beyond belief because of the lovely institution called college. I have 3 major projects due this week, two due today.. and only one is done.. yay!!! procrastination is my friend, and yet my enemy all at the same time.. irony? im not sure, i just know, that i hate myself for letting it get this bad.
also, i got a random email from my step mom the other night stating that my father almost died.. yea.. whats the point of telling me after he was sick? so now i feel bad for not knowing.. and feel even worse because i cant be there right now. ( fyi, my parents divorced when i was 2, i have lived with my moms parents (which i call mom and dad) since i was 3 and my father lives in florida, where he got remarried and had a bratty bratty son...>_<
So, she tells me that it was mainly because of his alcohol intake over the past years (bc he is unhappy, she doesnt know) and blah blah blah, he got insanely sick, and went to the hospital were the drs did tons of fun tests.. basically hes ok, he can never drink alcohol again or something bad will happen.
drama, my life is drama
but i do get to go to florida in august hopefully! ^_^ my step mom wants me down so i can see my step grandma because shes not doing well. >_< free trip and shopping!! yay!!!!!!!!
and, i owe about 500 bucks in taxes.. how much does that suck?
anyway.. this was pretty boring.. my bad guys.. other the work, school and my father, life is great! im slowly.. and when i say slowly, i mean it, losing weight.. yay!!!!!!! ^_^ so because this was so boring, i leave you with me being random in a pic. where im trying to look gangsta... haha
I hope everyone is doing well! Me? Stressed beyond belief because of the lovely institution called college. I have 3 major projects due this week, two due today.. and only one is done.. yay!!! procrastination is my friend, and yet my enemy all at the same time.. irony? im not sure, i just know, that i hate myself for letting it get this bad.
also, i got a random email from my step mom the other night stating that my father almost died.. yea.. whats the point of telling me after he was sick? so now i feel bad for not knowing.. and feel even worse because i cant be there right now. ( fyi, my parents divorced when i was 2, i have lived with my moms parents (which i call mom and dad) since i was 3 and my father lives in florida, where he got remarried and had a bratty bratty son...>_<

but i do get to go to florida in august hopefully! ^_^ my step mom wants me down so i can see my step grandma because shes not doing well. >_< free trip and shopping!! yay!!!!!!!!
and, i owe about 500 bucks in taxes.. how much does that suck?
anyway.. this was pretty boring.. my bad guys.. other the work, school and my father, life is great! im slowly.. and when i say slowly, i mean it, losing weight.. yay!!!!!!! ^_^ so because this was so boring, i leave you with me being random in a pic. where im trying to look gangsta... haha
Book 2 of the Dresden Files. Did you watch the series at all?What did you think?
i started the show b4 the books. and at first I was like this is nothing like the movie and once u get past book 1 it gets better. I love them. I like the book Murphy better. But the book dresden has a since of humor. Dont really see it on the show. I like the show Bob more.