So, this whole past week I have been thinking about my life, how its turning out, whats been going on.. and I can say in confidence, that I am the happiest I have ever been in a long long time.
One reason why my life has taken a turn for the better is. Chad Watts. Yuppers, he has made me one happy person... Not only does he believe in me, he doesnt push me to do things that I really dont want to do. He is also always. and i mean, always, there for me when I need him. I could call him at any moment during the day and he would rush to my side.. ^_^ And he loves me no matter what.. and he loves me for me! Totally love him with all my heart. Its so hard for people to find their soulmate.. But I found mine!! compleltly and utter in love with him and im going to marry him and be happy forever! hahahah
Another reason is my family. Yea, parents are awesome and understanding. My dad in fl.. is helping me out with going and seeing mallory in Ga. Carrie and Jacob are doing well and as always, hanging out with them and their baby girl Elizabeth is always, always fun. I got to feed and wash her yesterday! yay! babies rule. she is way to cute for words. i have new pics, and carrie printed out some cute cute pics of her for me and gave me a little alblum.. my whole family supports me in what im doing at school. even though bryan is always like, what are you going to do with that?!?! haha. i wouldnt trade my family for anything.. Im really lucky that I was raised by Mom and Dad. I dont think I would be this cool if I grew up some where else.
And another great reason why I am so happy is.. my friends.. yup! You people are awesome! Mallory is still the uber greatness sister/friend that I have. I bought my plane ticket and will be gone about a week to see her in march for spring break.. which is awesome!! im going to get to see Dante, Tim, Rody and maybe Susie! and of course the doggies! love animals. Anyway, also, theres Tiffany, who got me hooked on really expensive dragons! were starting to hang out more and its really nice. we all have alot in common. ^_^... she is awesome! Also, Marcus is still up there, even though we rarly talk.. but were both so busy that we both understand. Ive met up with my friends from college, and their doing great! All of the health science majors pretty much have the same classes.. so we all know each other and its always fun when we have class discussions, like about Wal-Mart... cuase all of our views are different. Another friendship that is awesome is my buddy up north, Trav! yea you!! his awesome knowledge of comics, and my awesome knowledge of comics.. were going to take over the world!! hahah! i enjoy our little conversations! and then my best friend of all!! is...chad.. hahah
love you baby! Everyone I work with at both Waldens, and Hot Topic are awesome.. I love both jobs! except for Gary... he makes my heart turn black..
he knows what he does.....
: P
so latly, college has started back up.. which is going to kill me becuase of all the work Im going to have to do.. grants/ reasearch papers/doing a health fair.. wow tons of stuff.. 15 hours of health classes.. what the hell was i thinking.. oh yea.. i wanna graduate soon! hahah.. chad went back to school to finish up his one class. Im so proud of him!
I finally got my hair cut! yay! only about 2 inches because I still love my long hair and I just wanted my split ends to go away! I bought my airline ticket to go see mallory. almost $300 bucks, but it will be worth it. I just feel bad cause Chad cant come with me. im gonna miss him.. but hopefully he will take me to the airport and pick me up.. i love that.. its best feeling in the world coming home and running to baggage claim to see the man you love there! ^_^
I also, finally bought a really expensive dragon.. Its a rainbow Male Dragon.. I would love to have a couple of black gold ones before they retire! there so so very cool....Also, im uber crazy about those freakin Adam Hughes busts.. im going to collect them all.. rightnow all I am missing is Catwoman, Wonder Woman, and Hawkgirl.. one day they will be mine!!!
anyway.. I think I have yacked enough.. im gonna go and get ready for work and stuffiness..
hope everyone is doing really well!! yay!
One reason why my life has taken a turn for the better is. Chad Watts. Yuppers, he has made me one happy person... Not only does he believe in me, he doesnt push me to do things that I really dont want to do. He is also always. and i mean, always, there for me when I need him. I could call him at any moment during the day and he would rush to my side.. ^_^ And he loves me no matter what.. and he loves me for me! Totally love him with all my heart. Its so hard for people to find their soulmate.. But I found mine!! compleltly and utter in love with him and im going to marry him and be happy forever! hahahah
Another reason is my family. Yea, parents are awesome and understanding. My dad in fl.. is helping me out with going and seeing mallory in Ga. Carrie and Jacob are doing well and as always, hanging out with them and their baby girl Elizabeth is always, always fun. I got to feed and wash her yesterday! yay! babies rule. she is way to cute for words. i have new pics, and carrie printed out some cute cute pics of her for me and gave me a little alblum.. my whole family supports me in what im doing at school. even though bryan is always like, what are you going to do with that?!?! haha. i wouldnt trade my family for anything.. Im really lucky that I was raised by Mom and Dad. I dont think I would be this cool if I grew up some where else.
And another great reason why I am so happy is.. my friends.. yup! You people are awesome! Mallory is still the uber greatness sister/friend that I have. I bought my plane ticket and will be gone about a week to see her in march for spring break.. which is awesome!! im going to get to see Dante, Tim, Rody and maybe Susie! and of course the doggies! love animals. Anyway, also, theres Tiffany, who got me hooked on really expensive dragons! were starting to hang out more and its really nice. we all have alot in common. ^_^... she is awesome! Also, Marcus is still up there, even though we rarly talk.. but were both so busy that we both understand. Ive met up with my friends from college, and their doing great! All of the health science majors pretty much have the same classes.. so we all know each other and its always fun when we have class discussions, like about Wal-Mart... cuase all of our views are different. Another friendship that is awesome is my buddy up north, Trav! yea you!! his awesome knowledge of comics, and my awesome knowledge of comics.. were going to take over the world!! hahah! i enjoy our little conversations! and then my best friend of all!! is...chad.. hahah

so latly, college has started back up.. which is going to kill me becuase of all the work Im going to have to do.. grants/ reasearch papers/doing a health fair.. wow tons of stuff.. 15 hours of health classes.. what the hell was i thinking.. oh yea.. i wanna graduate soon! hahah.. chad went back to school to finish up his one class. Im so proud of him!
I finally got my hair cut! yay! only about 2 inches because I still love my long hair and I just wanted my split ends to go away! I bought my airline ticket to go see mallory. almost $300 bucks, but it will be worth it. I just feel bad cause Chad cant come with me. im gonna miss him.. but hopefully he will take me to the airport and pick me up.. i love that.. its best feeling in the world coming home and running to baggage claim to see the man you love there! ^_^
I also, finally bought a really expensive dragon.. Its a rainbow Male Dragon.. I would love to have a couple of black gold ones before they retire! there so so very cool....Also, im uber crazy about those freakin Adam Hughes busts.. im going to collect them all.. rightnow all I am missing is Catwoman, Wonder Woman, and Hawkgirl.. one day they will be mine!!!
anyway.. I think I have yacked enough.. im gonna go and get ready for work and stuffiness..

hope everyone is doing really well!! yay!

great that you have all this bleings in your life and great that you share it to the world!