And another week has past me by. Haven't done much this week except played computer games at www.pogo.com where my user name is ConEdisonEgg. Comicking was taken. Actually I think it was mine from several years ago, when I had a completely different email address and I was using PCpeople.com as my ISP. I don't recommend them, unless you are a family that never wants...
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i said they called me vile things like hipster in the previous entry, but i never claimed that i wasn't at least a little bit of one. they're hipsters too, just a less obvious kind, and if i tried to explain the difference, it would be an explanation that would be lost on you, i think, as my analogies are almost strictly music related.
Ghostbusters II??? Hahahahahah!

"Vigo... the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia..." biggrin
I find that I've become more cynical in my life.

I was out driving around tonight, and I passed by a guy driving his car and a girl, all smiles, sitting next to him. I assumed that they were out on a date.

They could have been friends enjoying eat other's company.
She could have been a co-worker getting a ride to/from work.
They could...
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I'm not sure if "cynical" is the word you're looking for to describe what you're feeling. I'm not sure if "pessimistic" is either, but I'm fairly sure "cynical" isn't. anyhoo!

I can identity with your statement about how women like to SHOW IT and then look down on anyone who actually takes notice. Attention is desired, but only from the right people, and anyone else is a pervert. If you don't want people looking at your goods, then don't wear revealing clothing. If you wear revealing clothing to get noticed (or even if you don't), don't get mad at people who actually do notice. <--- oof. just for the record I did not have anyone in particular in mind when writing this.

but yeah, it sounds like you have a lot of hostility in this department! is it just because you're unhappy with your current situation?

Enjoyed your dyn-o-mite note, by the way. hehe.

[Edited on Jun 18, 2005 7:29AM]
ok well on the journal front.
I am late, but i'm waiting til my day off on monday until i update again.

I know i've only got 20 friends, but alot of them have a journal everyday or so, and if people comment i reply, and they usually reply back. So really i'm only looking for about 8 or so people to comment.

I dont like updating when i've got nothing to say either.. it seems a bit pointless. Not that i need anything to have occured in my life to have something to say, i'd just need an idea or a thought to carry it.

It is a beautiful place to live but yeah, you do seem to forget whats right infront of you when its always there. When i go to the city during university term time you notice it when you return.. like how many more stars you can see, how green everything is with the lakes and mountains.

I worked there 3 years ago, and none of the staff that worked there when i did remain. So that probably has something to do with it..

I know what you mean about crowds though, highly overrated. However i do like lots of comments and i'll tell you why.
I get bored. Plus its nice to see that people might be reading my journal (half the time the comments dont have anything to do with what i wrote but meh thats a minor detail).

And yeah, its a bizarre thing that you cant pay strangers compliments without being branded as a crazy and given either dirty or mistrusting looks.
Another week is over... and a full week of work to look forward to. A co-worker mentioned that I screwed up. I haven't worked a full 5-day work week in over 5 weeks, and next week I'm working all week. Then the week after I start my "summer" by taking 1 day off each week. With the exception of mid-July when another co-worker is taking...
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I've got plenty of vacation time saved up... The only problem is I'm too busy to actually use it. frown
Thanks for the basement offer. Hopefully, I won't have to take you up on that.

I tried the "I'm objectified at work, walking in public, etc. and at least on SG anyone who is disrespectful is kicked off the site" but they didn't care. Cool, huh?

Thanks for taking my parents on. I think I might email my dad parts of your post. mwaha.
I'm sick.

No I'm not.

Yes I am.

No I'm not.

Yes I am.

This is how this week has gone for me. I feel really sick at work, and feel much better when I get home. I don't know if this will continue over the weekend or not, but I really need to get some yardwork done if it doesn't rain. Perhaps it psychosomatic,...
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oh, and

see the way i used two posts for what is, essentially, one? i think i'm on to something. next stop: the world.
I think I have the same bug. confused
and for my 3101st post, a short update.

MY vacation started this morning. It is now 11 pm and I'm still here. But not for long. Just checked the bank account online to make sure everythings peachy, and now... yes at 11:20pm... As my favorite girl says...

I'm off like a Prom dress!

talk to you all in about a week.
Hope you have a fun escape.
d_c was originally deigning_chaos, and when i decided that that was too heavy handed, scoots bestowed upon me the moniker d_c. it worked swimmingly. and then i became judas, which as we know, is even more swimming, er, ly.

how was your trip?

i am in the process of ripping and then selling even more cds, actually. it's gonna take a couple weeks, but i will post the list when i'm finished as i did before. i am hoping to pare down my collection to a meagre 100 discs.
1 week and counting. Looking forward to the down time from work, the meeting of a couple beautiful ladies along the way... dreading that I only have a week and the shit at work piling up while I'm gone..

Gonna go into withdrawal too. Already am, but not just on the one front, but a second as well. Can't stop thinking about what happened Thursday...
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dont do it dude....i wil come shit on your yard for way cheaper man......

then, i lick myself
The question is, would she have to practice at home? wink
I tell her everything. I leave nothing out. I believe in being totally honest with people. Don't hate me for telling her about you and me. There is no you and me, you need to understand this. Keeping that in mind, she knows everything I do, say, think, dream. She is my air, I breathe her in, she is me.


Only 10 days til my...
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So I call my roommate and remind him to record Family Guy...

He forgot!!! mad

And this is the same doofus who screwed up the DVD player, game counsels, VCR, etc. just so he could have his precious Tivo-thingy. And the one time I ask him to put it to work for me, he forgets...

He will drown in a lake of blood. Now he will know why he is afraid of the dark. Now he will learn why he fears the night... skull

Heheh. Never figured you as an Eminem fan. I've got one of his CDs. Rap is very hit and (mostly) miss for me, but he has done some interesting things. smile
you are very nice, if you want to bring me something, bring me candy, i like to eat that stuff in mass quantities.
Last night I had what I can only term a nightmare. I woke up from a sound sleep 30 sconds before my alarm went off.

I was going somewhere, and I was taking the train. After getting on the train I realized that it was going to be a long ride to where I was going, and began to crave a cigarette. I talked myself...
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can you possibly track my comment count on that thread?
Perhaps you are the lost scion of far Harad? Or something to that effect?
and so I move on thusly...

3 weeks and I should be in Atlanta. If I'm not, then I was kidnapped somewhere in Iowa by two gorgeous and sexy ladies!
in that case i hope you dont make it to atlanta!

you know, ive stopped by the last two mondays and theres been no sign of her. ive got work till three, and class at five and i figured id stop by and say hi but they always just look at me funny when i pop my head in, look at the naked girls, slouch my shoulders and walk out.....bummer frown
Hmm. Sometime in my life I wish to wake up in a back alley in Atlanta, wearing half of a flight attendant's uniform, with no moneyl, no pants, and no idea how I got there. I think every person should do this at least once. It is absolutley vital if you wish to live a complete life.
yay! I have 4 SG's again... The system must have corrected itself.

I feel so stupid. You meet someone that seems so cool, they go out of their way to say hi to you, they always have something pleasant to say, they know almost nothing about you but they know how you are with certain others. One day, you hear them talk shit about someone...
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Would this certain trash talker be of the fairer sex? I admit that in the past I've sometimes given more credence to words sprung from a pretty face than I really should have. blackeyed
stupid = human = normal, move on... smile

(BTW... nice boobies fetish!)