And fun was had by all.
Went to Lyle's bar on Hennepin near Franklin and met up with Aardvark and Rylie to celebrate their respective birthdays (the former's was 11 days prior and the latters was tonight). While there contrast comes along and sometime later Judas with friends of Greasebunny: Owen and Dallas, plus her friend Michael. With the exception of most of contrast's screwdrivers, I bankrolled the bill at Lyle's for everyone.
Aardvark and Rylie then took me to Rylie's place where I met said hello to Alaska and Sapphire and Rylie changed for our going to the saloon. We (myself, Rylie and Aardvark met back up with Judas, Owen and Dallas there a little after 11pm.
Lo and behold, while there who should come up for some chatting but Danielle! She and Judas take to the dancefloor for some rythmic dances. Later on Danielle introduces Daddypop whom she had met up with there.
Around 1:30am I finally had to leave (must be up by 8am to go to work). Hugs all around (I love me some huggings by the ladies)! Here are the only 2 pictures I took from the whole night (sent from my phone to my profile as they occurred) the bar was dark and I had no flash on my phone, so sorry that they are dark and grainy:
This was the most fun I've had in a while. At no time did I feel that my being there was without merit. I've been in crowds before where I am off in a corner practically and social is not a word used to describe me. Tonight I felt like I was "in the thick of it" at least 80% of the time.
Went to Lyle's bar on Hennepin near Franklin and met up with Aardvark and Rylie to celebrate their respective birthdays (the former's was 11 days prior and the latters was tonight). While there contrast comes along and sometime later Judas with friends of Greasebunny: Owen and Dallas, plus her friend Michael. With the exception of most of contrast's screwdrivers, I bankrolled the bill at Lyle's for everyone.
Aardvark and Rylie then took me to Rylie's place where I met said hello to Alaska and Sapphire and Rylie changed for our going to the saloon. We (myself, Rylie and Aardvark met back up with Judas, Owen and Dallas there a little after 11pm.
Lo and behold, while there who should come up for some chatting but Danielle! She and Judas take to the dancefloor for some rythmic dances. Later on Danielle introduces Daddypop whom she had met up with there.
Around 1:30am I finally had to leave (must be up by 8am to go to work). Hugs all around (I love me some huggings by the ladies)! Here are the only 2 pictures I took from the whole night (sent from my phone to my profile as they occurred) the bar was dark and I had no flash on my phone, so sorry that they are dark and grainy:

This was the most fun I've had in a while. At no time did I feel that my being there was without merit. I've been in crowds before where I am off in a corner practically and social is not a word used to describe me. Tonight I felt like I was "in the thick of it" at least 80% of the time.

Look at you! All in the middle of things. Bravo.
thelefthand: ARE the thick of it in my book....