Cripes! It's been a week! Where does the time go.. As I look through my past entries I see a trend... For the first month I was updating almost every day, then it became about 3-4 days, and now 7! At this rate, I'll be updating once a year come December! Can't have that. I'm still on the site practically everyday, I should update more often. I guess as long as I'm not updating as often as Frank I'll be ok.
Finally put a pic (or is it several pics?) of me and family up. Some are pretty goofy, but some pics are about a hundred years old.
I told my friend, who hasn't been getting a lot of sleep to go home and do so. I think they did, but I wouldn't know because I just woke up an hour or so ago! I ended up coming home tonight and falling asleep within minutes of coming in the door. I almost fell on the floor. I didn't realize how tired I was, and my friend was complaining about it, so I must have been beyond that. Is this paragraph vague enough?
Here's a little sentence that has helped me a lot recently.. I implore you to add it to your journal if you find that it is true with you. I'm not supersticious, but it really works... I think anyway.
If there is one person you can't stop thinking about post this sentence in your journal.
Finally put a pic (or is it several pics?) of me and family up. Some are pretty goofy, but some pics are about a hundred years old.
I told my friend, who hasn't been getting a lot of sleep to go home and do so. I think they did, but I wouldn't know because I just woke up an hour or so ago! I ended up coming home tonight and falling asleep within minutes of coming in the door. I almost fell on the floor. I didn't realize how tired I was, and my friend was complaining about it, so I must have been beyond that. Is this paragraph vague enough?
Here's a little sentence that has helped me a lot recently.. I implore you to add it to your journal if you find that it is true with you. I'm not supersticious, but it really works... I think anyway.
If there is one person you can't stop thinking about post this sentence in your journal.
Oh, no no, it's not my sewing machine. it doesn't belong to me. it belongs to Satan. sometimes it talks to me. In my dreams. It tells me to lubricate it's gears with the blood of the innocent, but so far powdered graphite has been working pretty well, and the blood of the unborn children is a pain in the ass to buy. You get the wierdest looks.
No, no, I wouldn't go so far as to say sissy, but he can crochet like no other, and let me tell you, the Lord of Ultimate Despair does some mean flower arranging.