Part Deuce
ComicKnight talked to Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four only to find out that the last time Galactus was planet-side, he got his butt kicked by the Sphinx, and left. He suggested that Comic go see Iron Man at the Avengers compund, maybe he could borrow one of their QuinJets and fly to the Skrull homeworld, which is the last really good planet Galactus fed on for clues. Just then Spider-Man dropped by complaining that one of the cousins of the spider that bit him had been run over. Spider-Man asked if anyone knew anything about it, and being the nice guy that he was, Comic reminded him that he didn't ask to be bitten by that spider, and to stop fretting over his cousins.
Professor Charles Xavier of the X-Men sent a telepathic message at that point, telling ComicKnight that Dr. Strange may know how to get in touch with the Silver Surfer, since they used to run together in a group called the Defenders. Comic quickly drove to the Doctor's Greenwich Village brownstone to discuss his dilemma. Dr. Strange was only too willing to help Comic due to his earlier intervention in helping control one of the Hulk's rampages. "By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth and the Flames of the Faltine, the Eye of Agamotto will seek him out whether he's happy or mean." ComicKnight noted to himself that the Dr.'s spells have been getting pretty lame lately and wasn't surprised when nothing happened, and left.
ComicKnight was astonished to find that somehow he had ventured too close to the edge of reality, perhaps the Man-Thing was in the area, and ended up in another universe. He was now facing the Flash, Superman and Batman. He pleaded with Flash.."Please, send me back to the universe I came from, life makes so much more sense there. I can't live here, knowing that those kids could be in trouble back there." At that moment, Lobo came by on his intergalactic chopper, grabbed ComicKnight and sped away. They travelled through space for some time until Lobo got sick of the company and dropped Comic on Apokolypse, the world rund by Darkseid. Darkseid said "Get off my world" and with a mother box opened a boom tube that sent Comic back to the universe from which he came..
to be continued..
ComicKnight talked to Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four only to find out that the last time Galactus was planet-side, he got his butt kicked by the Sphinx, and left. He suggested that Comic go see Iron Man at the Avengers compund, maybe he could borrow one of their QuinJets and fly to the Skrull homeworld, which is the last really good planet Galactus fed on for clues. Just then Spider-Man dropped by complaining that one of the cousins of the spider that bit him had been run over. Spider-Man asked if anyone knew anything about it, and being the nice guy that he was, Comic reminded him that he didn't ask to be bitten by that spider, and to stop fretting over his cousins.
Professor Charles Xavier of the X-Men sent a telepathic message at that point, telling ComicKnight that Dr. Strange may know how to get in touch with the Silver Surfer, since they used to run together in a group called the Defenders. Comic quickly drove to the Doctor's Greenwich Village brownstone to discuss his dilemma. Dr. Strange was only too willing to help Comic due to his earlier intervention in helping control one of the Hulk's rampages. "By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth and the Flames of the Faltine, the Eye of Agamotto will seek him out whether he's happy or mean." ComicKnight noted to himself that the Dr.'s spells have been getting pretty lame lately and wasn't surprised when nothing happened, and left.
ComicKnight was astonished to find that somehow he had ventured too close to the edge of reality, perhaps the Man-Thing was in the area, and ended up in another universe. He was now facing the Flash, Superman and Batman. He pleaded with Flash.."Please, send me back to the universe I came from, life makes so much more sense there. I can't live here, knowing that those kids could be in trouble back there." At that moment, Lobo came by on his intergalactic chopper, grabbed ComicKnight and sped away. They travelled through space for some time until Lobo got sick of the company and dropped Comic on Apokolypse, the world rund by Darkseid. Darkseid said "Get off my world" and with a mother box opened a boom tube that sent Comic back to the universe from which he came..
to be continued..
That would be impressive though for you to be here if you were that old!