I hate my Life
Las Vegas Part II
So here I was, back at 7-11 after having moved around the city a couple of times (and working strangely enough other 7-11 stores). I was once again on the graveyard shift, but no longer working 7 days a week, now I was down to 5. I had filed Chapter 7 Bankruptcy just 6 months prior (best thing I ever did, even recommend it to those that never have), and was finally discharged by the court. Life was starting to look up (even though I was only a cashier making $5.95 an hour and working in the worst neighborhood in town - at least I no longer lived there). The section 8 housing across the way had gone the extra mile by getting highly trained security guards who came with dogs. They would often visit me in the middle of the night while I was sweeping the parking lot. One night, a broken-down looking car drove in and someone who was clearly either drunk or stoned or both got out. I followed him in and waited at the counter while he got what he wanted. He then placed the stuff on the counter and I rang him up. I said $8.31 please. He then opened a bag and poured a bunch of loose change on the counter. I thought, well gee, this guy's not in a great way, I'll help him out by counting the money for him. He wouldn't have it. He insisted on counting and re-counting (since he kept losing count) the coins. I was getting a little upset, because he was taking forever, so after 15 minutes I said here let me, and tried to count the stuff again, he got angry which led to the both of us arguing, which led me to pull out a baseball bat and tell him to get out of the store. He did... but then he wasn't leaving the parking lot very fast.. so bat in hand I went out to see what was the matter... I came out to find myself looking down the barrel of a gun, with him saying "want some?" I backed away to the door.. He finally pulled out and I started to head in to call the police when I heard a shot. After checking myself to see if I was hit, I wasn't... I went in. It turns out that the guy did try to shoot me as he left the lot, and the security guard across the street saw the gun go off. He called the police who it turns out caught the guy 7 blocks away.. Turns out the car was stolen, filled with stolen items, and the guy went to jail. Later that morning my boss came in and asked if anything exciting happened.
I hate my life
Las Vegas Part II
So here I was, back at 7-11 after having moved around the city a couple of times (and working strangely enough other 7-11 stores). I was once again on the graveyard shift, but no longer working 7 days a week, now I was down to 5. I had filed Chapter 7 Bankruptcy just 6 months prior (best thing I ever did, even recommend it to those that never have), and was finally discharged by the court. Life was starting to look up (even though I was only a cashier making $5.95 an hour and working in the worst neighborhood in town - at least I no longer lived there). The section 8 housing across the way had gone the extra mile by getting highly trained security guards who came with dogs. They would often visit me in the middle of the night while I was sweeping the parking lot. One night, a broken-down looking car drove in and someone who was clearly either drunk or stoned or both got out. I followed him in and waited at the counter while he got what he wanted. He then placed the stuff on the counter and I rang him up. I said $8.31 please. He then opened a bag and poured a bunch of loose change on the counter. I thought, well gee, this guy's not in a great way, I'll help him out by counting the money for him. He wouldn't have it. He insisted on counting and re-counting (since he kept losing count) the coins. I was getting a little upset, because he was taking forever, so after 15 minutes I said here let me, and tried to count the stuff again, he got angry which led to the both of us arguing, which led me to pull out a baseball bat and tell him to get out of the store. He did... but then he wasn't leaving the parking lot very fast.. so bat in hand I went out to see what was the matter... I came out to find myself looking down the barrel of a gun, with him saying "want some?" I backed away to the door.. He finally pulled out and I started to head in to call the police when I heard a shot. After checking myself to see if I was hit, I wasn't... I went in. It turns out that the guy did try to shoot me as he left the lot, and the security guard across the street saw the gun go off. He called the police who it turns out caught the guy 7 blocks away.. Turns out the car was stolen, filled with stolen items, and the guy went to jail. Later that morning my boss came in and asked if anything exciting happened.
I hate my life
i like super hot girls that are old, not hot girls that are super old
I think 25-27 is the ideal age.
shoot out with Haitians... cab full of angry drunks during a routine dui stop... but, never had a piece in the face at point blank... you are very fortunate, your life does not suck... just has a few sticky points!