Here is a departure from my usual journal, to give a tale of what happened many years ago...
The tales of comicking
Years ago, before becoming a king, there was merely comic. Comic was known throughout the world as a gentleman who thwarted evil wherever it cropped up. One day, after having befriended the Untouchable Trio +1, Comic heard of a dastardly dragon named Da-Luth that had captured a fair maiden named Benni. The dragon had meant to make Benni his bride, but could only offer his crude minions as worshippers for her. These minions were very rude, saying things like "No" while looking upon her with snide faces. Benni was trapped nevertheless, and Comic, after speaking to El Ravager, was able to procure his Hackmaster +12 (on loan) and preceeded into the great white northern territory to rescue yon fair maiden from the clutches of this horrible monster.
As was the case in those days, knights were few and far between, and having been only a commoner, Comic needed to puchase his own armor. Speaking with Lord Gilead before taking on his trek, he was knighted in the tradition of Garweeze wurld. Hopping on his white horse "sephia" from the galant horse breed of Kia, he galloped forth.
Arriving in the demons lair, he proceeded to thwart Da-Luth's evil minions by attempting to keep the fair maiden's attentions on him, so as not to fall under the dragon's powerful magics. The minions attempted to block Comic's sword thrusts, and all was almost lost when one of the monster's minions gave birth to a new-born. There was a birthday celebration that commenced, and fair Benni was taken in by the circumstance. But behold, the Hackmaster +12 had done its job, she did not sway.
Having realized that he had lost, the great swag iron dragon cast a mighty spell banishing both Benni and ComicKnight (as he was now called) out of his lair, vowing to one day sweep Benni away again. ComicKnight had to return his Hackmaster +12 to the Untouchable trio +1, but swore that he would return one day to slay this mighty dragon.
Thus ends the tale...
The tales of comicking
Years ago, before becoming a king, there was merely comic. Comic was known throughout the world as a gentleman who thwarted evil wherever it cropped up. One day, after having befriended the Untouchable Trio +1, Comic heard of a dastardly dragon named Da-Luth that had captured a fair maiden named Benni. The dragon had meant to make Benni his bride, but could only offer his crude minions as worshippers for her. These minions were very rude, saying things like "No" while looking upon her with snide faces. Benni was trapped nevertheless, and Comic, after speaking to El Ravager, was able to procure his Hackmaster +12 (on loan) and preceeded into the great white northern territory to rescue yon fair maiden from the clutches of this horrible monster.
As was the case in those days, knights were few and far between, and having been only a commoner, Comic needed to puchase his own armor. Speaking with Lord Gilead before taking on his trek, he was knighted in the tradition of Garweeze wurld. Hopping on his white horse "sephia" from the galant horse breed of Kia, he galloped forth.
Arriving in the demons lair, he proceeded to thwart Da-Luth's evil minions by attempting to keep the fair maiden's attentions on him, so as not to fall under the dragon's powerful magics. The minions attempted to block Comic's sword thrusts, and all was almost lost when one of the monster's minions gave birth to a new-born. There was a birthday celebration that commenced, and fair Benni was taken in by the circumstance. But behold, the Hackmaster +12 had done its job, she did not sway.
Having realized that he had lost, the great swag iron dragon cast a mighty spell banishing both Benni and ComicKnight (as he was now called) out of his lair, vowing to one day sweep Benni away again. ComicKnight had to return his Hackmaster +12 to the Untouchable trio +1, but swore that he would return one day to slay this mighty dragon.
Thus ends the tale...
but now we need to know how comicknight became comicking...? waiting... *taps foot impatiently, but not so impatiently as to be bitchy*
it was good talking to you yesterday... if it hadn't been for you i would have killed someone in the bar long before the night ended. hope you're feeling better...
i'm about to hope in the shower and head out... but when i come home, it's time to clean the apartment. because it's making me crazy, and i'm sick enough without the added stress of which pile i threw my bills in.