I'm becoming very anti-social. In groups I was always the one who hung out in the corner or by a wall where no one else was. I'm the ultimate loner when it comes to doing things. I enjoy being alone, by myself. I have been for so long, that to have more than a couple friends at any one time feels weird. Those that have read my previous journals know that I have "gotten rid of" friends in the past. I stop talking to them or they to me, and we drift apart. I have no real friends right now. I have 1 guy who's gone through some real tough times as someone who knows me more than I probably know myself, and he's a friend, but no one who is my best bud. I got rid of my last best friend. I hung up on him and he never called or tried to contact me that I know of. I, too, never called him back.
So I find myself dwelling on certain aspects of life. Sex for example. I'm actually saving money right now to go on a vacation to the Dominican Republic to a place called Vikings Resort where they suppl,y you with a girl who is your sex companion 24 hours a day for your entire stay. When you hear that the cost is $4,900 for 4 days/3 night stay, it sounds really expensive. However, this girl will be your girlfriend (without the "oh not right now I have a headache" speech) and be with you your whole stay, not just for a few hours a day. The girls know what they are there for. The hotel/resort room, all meals and liquor are all included in this price. For a typical resort I'd expect to pay $500 per night or $1500. The meals and drinks would probably be another $150.00. So now trhe price for the girl is $3,350.00, or about $1,117 per day. I've searched escort websites and the "best deal" I've seen offered is once the girl gets to know you, she'll spend the night for $2,000. This resort is looking better all the time and pretty inexpensive. Granted, airfare is going to be about $1,000 roundtrip... but... that's only cause I'm so far away...
I was going to go on... but suddenly I feel rich and I'm going to go get chinese. Then afterwards I may get something to eat
just kidding, I'm going to my favorite chinese take-out place. Ciao for now!
So I find myself dwelling on certain aspects of life. Sex for example. I'm actually saving money right now to go on a vacation to the Dominican Republic to a place called Vikings Resort where they suppl,y you with a girl who is your sex companion 24 hours a day for your entire stay. When you hear that the cost is $4,900 for 4 days/3 night stay, it sounds really expensive. However, this girl will be your girlfriend (without the "oh not right now I have a headache" speech) and be with you your whole stay, not just for a few hours a day. The girls know what they are there for. The hotel/resort room, all meals and liquor are all included in this price. For a typical resort I'd expect to pay $500 per night or $1500. The meals and drinks would probably be another $150.00. So now trhe price for the girl is $3,350.00, or about $1,117 per day. I've searched escort websites and the "best deal" I've seen offered is once the girl gets to know you, she'll spend the night for $2,000. This resort is looking better all the time and pretty inexpensive. Granted, airfare is going to be about $1,000 roundtrip... but... that's only cause I'm so far away...
I was going to go on... but suddenly I feel rich and I'm going to go get chinese. Then afterwards I may get something to eat

im back?!?
im not even getting my hopes up....