New illustration projects have been funneling in almost a little TOO rapidly. Two months ago, I felt like I was impatiently waiting for an editor to hand in scripts. Now (within the last week), I've been handed two scripts, two posters, and additional promises of much more work coming my way. Of course, all these new projects are rolling in when my wife is literally...
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Feast or Famine..thats life!!
Congrats on the new arrival..she will understand ..the added money will pay for that formula!! 

oh thats good work!
Thanks! I'm looking forward to seeing the posters printed!
Our family lost a really close friend early this year and it affected everything in life. She has been like a sister to my wife since junior high, and though she wasn't nearby every day, she was always in our hearts. She was a big part of our life and I will miss her.
So, Mrs. Junkie & I were looking at a house on some great property we were hoping to buy. On the day we brought an inspector onto the property, he looked around for a few hours, then told us it was a former grow op house for marijuana. This means additional risks of mold, electrical problems, and air venting. Not the kind of considerations we...
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Well if Gabe and Tycho decided to create a calendar/schedule or have linked to other places that did this I would be more pleased. Right now, it's far too much effort to show up, panhandle for players.
I'm totally aware of the other sites at the show and usually stop by and visit with them. I'm just displeased with the resources available to arrange RPG and board games. Something that I think video games don't require.
I'm totally aware of the other sites at the show and usually stop by and visit with them. I'm just displeased with the resources available to arrange RPG and board games. Something that I think video games don't require.
I'm getting ready to sell-off most of my comic collection and have considered getting some of higher value comics graded with CGC before selling them. Yesterday, I just got the first one back (an Amazing Spider-Man 300). First of all, I was impressed to see that it came back with a higher grade than I anticipated, but I was bemused by how cool it was...
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Hmmm ..first time that question has been posed to me..which I dig,,but anyway...I would say seal them up and sell them if you can..I love BOOKS of all kind really..but every day I think of how it is so important for me to push that idea down my kids adays they are going to computers strictly in schools..that means kids will not turn to books even for knowledge...a women that I worked at a p-t job with who is a librarian going to school for computers cause all the libraries are putting everything in a computer data base..I mean I am sure you love your books ..and if you do..preserve them...sell the ones you don't ADORE..and keep the ones you love and could not replace even if you could see them online..My thing is I am a very tangible person ..I love to books that is...
Just a good thing that SG is not touch and see

Spanx for the invite ...I adore new friends!! Are you going through the 30 yr ol virgin clean out?

Nice! I'm selling books right now and if I'm lucky and sell them all, that'll make me only $200 richer. The only comics I have with me here are my Maxx ones and I'm only 3 issues short of the entire collection. Still not sure I'd sell them, though.
We're cleaning up our house, just to make more space for two people living with an active toddler. In a scavenging/cleaning run, I rediscovered my long-lost HP iPAQ 6165! A clean, portable device, it should be fun to see if I can get this old beast running and just use it as a portable way of keeping track of scheduling, contact info, etc. Hopefully, it...
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once again spanx for the info on PS3 hubbie is very stoked and cannot wait for it to come out!!
After spending most of the evening earning himself a seat on my bad side by fussing for his pacifier through the night, Little Man totally reversed my mood by looking over the top of his crib and saying "Hi Daddy!" when I opened his door for breakfast. Darn kid. He makes it hard to stay mad with him.
Just realized this morning my screen name...
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Just realized this morning my screen name...
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After many evenings spent trying to download a demo or save an MP3 to my Playstation3 and being prompted with the message that the flimsy 60GB drive is full, I'm upgrading the hard drive.
I still remember when I bought the system and 60GB sounded so vast. Surely, I'd be able to copy countless saved games/videos/photos to the PS3 and never run out of space....
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I still remember when I bought the system and 60GB sounded so vast. Surely, I'd be able to copy countless saved games/videos/photos to the PS3 and never run out of space....
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