I've always loved squirrels for their tanacity, i was even planning on getting a squirrel tattoo because those fuckers never quit. I'm rethinking that.
Friday at 12am my fucking plumbing backed up all over my bathroom, and the over flow seeped through the floor and started to flood my stairway.
So me, being a curteous tenant turned off the water, mopped the floor, soaked up extra water with towels and decided to call them in the morning rather than call the emergency line. You know, spare them coming out in the middle of the night to fix it and have them fix it in sane hours.
I called the management office at 9 am, they said "yup, okay, it will be handled. We will call you." At 4 pm I'm getting a little antsy (the manager is a total slumlord), I call. They have no news, in fact, they are not sure of the status at all. They ask someone and she says the call has been dispatched. at 8:30pm I come home, thinking that by now the plumbing must be fixed. NO ONE FUCKING CAME! I gave them a whole goddamned day and they sent no one. So I call the emergency line and the slumlord answers with "oh, I'll check on the contractor now" at 9 o'clock in the fucking night. An hour later I call the emergency line AGAIN because I have heard from no one and slumlord says "oh, he's been trying to contact you, guess i gave him the wrong number, i'll forward him this one now." So its now 22hrs after the plumbing went to hell. The contractor arrives, he tries to fix it and at 11 decides to call a real plumber. They are still fucking here. Its after 2am. My neighbour came over in tears because of the noise they are making and her baby isn't sleeping. I've been either raging, crying, or on the floor laughing at the absurdity of it. I'm a mess. I'm closing in on 24hrs without sleep and I've been having a hard enough time regulating it as it is.
So my calling the next morning to avoid waking up anyone in the night just meant postponing waking everyone up at night to another night. I am beyond pissed and looking for new residence.
So what about squirrels? The reason my plumbing is fucking up is because goddamned squirrels have been storing their winter food in the fucking plumbing vent. My plumbing is stuffed with fist sized walnut tree fruit. And i have a plumber and a contractor snaking the whole damned unit which is rattling and banging the whole complex i live in and keeping everyone awake. FUCKING SQUIRRELS! I will never brake for another squirrel.
it's now closing in on 3am and the "fixers" are now in the basement knocking at pipes. I assume they will be back up here any moment now to try snaking the whole damned thing again. I can only hope its in moments... this rate, hours. Hours and hours.
fucking slumlords, this place has gone to shit since the property manager took over for the landlord.
It's 5:30am and they just left. They. Just. Left. I've been awake for over 24hrs now. My bathroom is a huge mess. Huge. I need a new toothbrush.