ok so im at work in my office and one of the MPs comes in and ask if i know who the duty officer is that day. i tell her no and tell her to look at the s-1 shop they could tell her. then right behind her i see one of my Marines walking all funnie and with another mp need less to say im not thinking good thoughts. apparently he was hit by a car and didn't tell any one till 2 and a half hours later. how do you not tell any one. he came up to one of my fellow senior Marines who asked why he was walking funnie and he just nonchilauntly said "oh i was hit by a car". we are still looking for the car and he is not in the hospital we think he broke his hip and a couple ribs.
On a lighter subject thanks for all the great ideas for the video to the wife. i was on line late last night with her, thought PT was gonna kill me but i did ok, even called cadence for awhile. im still working on getin the pics from Okinawa battle sites tour up i just need some time, maybe during hang over recovery tomarrow. oh but wait thats my b-day and completion of new tattoo day
so maybe on sunday then. well off i go to another day. later peeps.
On a lighter subject thanks for all the great ideas for the video to the wife. i was on line late last night with her, thought PT was gonna kill me but i did ok, even called cadence for awhile. im still working on getin the pics from Okinawa battle sites tour up i just need some time, maybe during hang over recovery tomarrow. oh but wait thats my b-day and completion of new tattoo day

Happy Birthday!

happy birthday!!