Well peeps the big plung is one week away. on may 20th i'll be getting hitched and getting two new tattoo to celibrate the joining. one on my ring finger and a Hawaiian turtle over my hear, the idea for every little tike that comes alone we add a small turtle kool huh. but i'm leaveing Hawaii to day going home. first time taking actual...
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i got more work done on my leg and hopefully i can post some pics on hear for all to see. its really kool and nice. i have like only 2 more weeks till i get married. it felt like it would never get hear but its finaly hear.
LOOKS AWESOME!!! How much more are you going to do to it? It really does look cool!
Well it looks HOT!!!
Hey by the way, when is the wedding date?
Hey by the way, when is the wedding date?
i finaly got my computer back i crashed my hard drive and had to have it replaced but im back for now at least maybe i need to lay off the down loading. later peeps.
SHES HEAR and i got lots and lots of booty. it was awsome i love it. its so nice ot wake up with the love of your life laying next to you in bed. we are desining a nice tattoo for her and she really seams to like it and we are going to put in in motion right befor she leaves so we can...
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Reading your entry made me remember whats it's like to really be in love and lust with someone. It's a beautiful thing and I miss it. Enjoy your time together and and get lots of pictures! Take care.
well only like 30 more houres and the wifey will be hear. i cant wait ive got a little public display planed for the parking lot of the air port. she called the other day and told me she wants to either get a tattoo nose ring or toung ring. im pulling for the tatoo, you know me i love chicks with tatts if i...
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30 hours!!! OMG... Im so excited for you!
Good luck with the tattoo idea!
Good luck with the tattoo idea!
well i havent updated in a while, nothing new going on next weekend im going diving so i'll send pics of us diveing. the wife come out in a week i cant wait. later peeps
Yay, you get to see your Wife soon. Nothing better than reuniting with your loved ones. Have fun!
YAY, the wedding will be soon! You must be excited!!! I am, and Im not getting married!
pics of my new tattoo are up and one of the new truck. take a look, let me know what you think. no news just sleep. later peeps.
Love the new tat hun! The truck is very cool too!
Showers are the bestest!
well im over it now i guess. nothings going on im just waiting for the wife to come out for her spring break in 2 weeks can wait. no more news yet. accualy there is im now a certified open water diver. yea me so soon as my new tattoo that heals after i start it on tuesday i'll be putting underwater side on my...
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im so angry now some stupid kid got caught witha toung ring and now we have to get all out toung check every day. im not sayin i have one
but this is stupid. now we have to jump thnrough hoops because of one person. oh well i guess i'll hust stick to the tattoos. but i wanted one sooooooooooo bad. later peeps.

You wanted your tounge pierced?
Thats always what happens! One person ruines it for all...
Thats always what happens! One person ruines it for all...
well my newl fixed truck finaly was all done and, boom it was gone they messed up on the engine and it caugh fire. but as it was i was rolling into a new car lot. so they came out put out the flames. next thing i know im rolling off there lot in a brand new nissan frontier 4 door v6 6 speed transmition....
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Awesome new car! Thank God you are ok, and that the fire was easily put out! Hope you are well, talk to you later!
Im very excited for you both!