Dave Blood - I'm sorry that we had to see you go. You are the walrus!
I was driving in the car a few days ago listening to mainstream radio, when a DJ comes and says "this morning the lead singer of the dropkickmurphy's has committed suicide" then cut out to some poppy over played song. I was like What she talking about? Then I kind of just ignored it all.
I guess I missed the post in LJ this week, cause I knew someone died but didn't catch up to it till now. Wow, I know they broke up years ago but still there a great band and all. I dunno, it's one of those staples in my life, its one of those daily things in life that you take for granted. When you look at these people on stage you assume that every things gotta be cool with them cause I mean there on fuckin stage rockin out and they are making music that everyone can bond too and have fun with. Oh this is gonna fuck up my whole week I can feel it.
This ones for you Dave:
I Hate You, I Love You
What am I gonna do
When I get next to you
Wanna hold you close to me
But you bring me misery
I hate you, I love you
Let's go to see a show
Where to well I don't know
Will you make up your mind
Or are you gonna waste my time
Look back to the days we met
Were times better I forget
You acted different then
I thought you were a friend
I was driving in the car a few days ago listening to mainstream radio, when a DJ comes and says "this morning the lead singer of the dropkickmurphy's has committed suicide" then cut out to some poppy over played song. I was like What she talking about? Then I kind of just ignored it all.
I guess I missed the post in LJ this week, cause I knew someone died but didn't catch up to it till now. Wow, I know they broke up years ago but still there a great band and all. I dunno, it's one of those staples in my life, its one of those daily things in life that you take for granted. When you look at these people on stage you assume that every things gotta be cool with them cause I mean there on fuckin stage rockin out and they are making music that everyone can bond too and have fun with. Oh this is gonna fuck up my whole week I can feel it.
This ones for you Dave:
I Hate You, I Love You
What am I gonna do
When I get next to you
Wanna hold you close to me
But you bring me misery
I hate you, I love you
Let's go to see a show
Where to well I don't know
Will you make up your mind
Or are you gonna waste my time
Look back to the days we met
Were times better I forget
You acted different then
I thought you were a friend
Uh, Dave Blood was in the Dead Milkmen...he will be missed...