Well Maxi said it was time to update, and who am I to not follow orders.
After months of work on a couple of truely bad movies, I have emerged from my dark office. I can't complain about work. It was worth the financial earnings, but the movies themselves aren't much to throw on a resume.
I was consulting on a major summer release, but didn't get the nod to actually work on the sequence I bid on. I was too expensive??? It was too bad, because it would of been a fun project. On the good side the cheaper artist who ended up getting the work did a poor job and the studio pulled the work from them. This is the second time this has happened and they always come back to me to fix the mess. This time I said no. Hopefully they learned from the mistake and will hire me next time.
On a company note... things are good. We are getting ourselves more recongized and the studios seem more interested. I have meetings set up this week and next. Wish me luck.
I desparately need a website designer to help finish and fix the company site. If anyone knows someone, or is the the someone who might be interested... let me know. The sooner I can get a site up and looking professional the better.
Well I'm back to work, have to pretend at least that I'm working today
After months of work on a couple of truely bad movies, I have emerged from my dark office. I can't complain about work. It was worth the financial earnings, but the movies themselves aren't much to throw on a resume.
I was consulting on a major summer release, but didn't get the nod to actually work on the sequence I bid on. I was too expensive??? It was too bad, because it would of been a fun project. On the good side the cheaper artist who ended up getting the work did a poor job and the studio pulled the work from them. This is the second time this has happened and they always come back to me to fix the mess. This time I said no. Hopefully they learned from the mistake and will hire me next time.
On a company note... things are good. We are getting ourselves more recongized and the studios seem more interested. I have meetings set up this week and next. Wish me luck.
I desparately need a website designer to help finish and fix the company site. If anyone knows someone, or is the the someone who might be interested... let me know. The sooner I can get a site up and looking professional the better.
Well I'm back to work, have to pretend at least that I'm working today

for companies, tell him Tanya Sent ya.