The last two days were interesting. My doctor gave me some new meds but the dosage was wrong and instead of taking them in the evening like she said I was supposed to take them in the morning. The result?! = Since these meds apparently makes you really hyper I haven't slept for two nights and I've been acting like the duracell bunny on crack. It was an intern (think thats what they're called) who prescribed them to me but today my regular doctor changed the prescription and hopefully I'll be able to sleep tonight.
More Blogs
Tuesday Nov 30, 2010
So apparently I'm not going to sleep more than three hours tonight. I… -
Tuesday Nov 23, 2010
I'm free!! Today they cut the cast off and my right arm is finally… -
Friday Oct 29, 2010
My shoulder hurts like hell and i can't sleep even though I'm drugged… -
Monday Oct 25, 2010
My day -
Thursday Oct 14, 2010
I hurt my back at work today and now I'm home sick... damn this old b… -
Wednesday Sep 29, 2010
Great end to an otherwise boring day -
Thursday Sep 02, 2010
My best summer in at least 7 years. This is the non xrated versio… -
Monday Jun 28, 2010
Read More -
Friday Jun 18, 2010
Yeah, I'm evil So fucking evil Evil is my middle name
i hope you sleep good