The last two days were interesting. My doctor gave me some new meds but the dosage was wrong and instead of taking them in the evening like she said I was supposed to take them in the morning. The result?! = Since these meds apparently makes you really hyper I haven't slept for two nights and I've been acting like the duracell bunny on crack. It was an intern (think thats what they're called) who prescribed them to me but today my regular doctor changed the prescription and hopefully I'll be able to sleep tonight.
More Blogs
Friday Aug 26, 2011
I'm alive. have had a rough year but I'm doing a lot better now. I wi… -
Monday Mar 21, 2011
I really can't decide if I sholuld go home early or just push through… -
Sunday Mar 20, 2011
Apparently it can rain quite heavily in California too -
Wednesday Mar 16, 2011
In sunny Cali. My body still is working against me and not letting me… -
Sunday Mar 13, 2011
Still in pain. But got enough morphine to take down an elephant so I … -
Tuesday Mar 08, 2011
A short update. The doctor gave me the okay to travel and I booke… -
Sunday Feb 27, 2011
My testresults will arrive sometime next month and I've been thinking… -
Thursday Feb 24, 2011
Back home again after a week at the hospital. I am totally beat both … -
Tuesday Feb 22, 2011
chiling at the hospital room, waiting to take x-ray photos. -
Monday Feb 21, 2011
Riding a huge anxiety wave right now...
i hope you sleep good