Life goes on.. but there's so much to do and I don't have a clue where to start. And since my sister doesn't have the strength to do anything at all right now it's up to me. But my friends are a huge support. I know I can call them anytime and they'll drop whatever they're doing and come running. I've got great friends.
More Blogs
Tuesday May 02, 2006
Had a wicked crazy weekend.. will tell you about it when I can think … -
Saturday Apr 22, 2006
first beer opened and downed.. but no worries I've got plenty more in… -
Monday Apr 17, 2006
The last couple of weeks I've been working my ass off... Now I'm assl… -
Monday Mar 27, 2006
Tonight I've got to decide if I should buy the motorcycle or not. The… -
Friday Mar 10, 2006
crappy friday! The whole day I've done nothing but looking forward… -
Wednesday Mar 08, 2006
So there we was, Me and my friend are heading towards stersund to sky… -
Monday Feb 20, 2006
I'm going to make the first skydive of 2006 in just two weeks. Me and… -
Friday Feb 17, 2006
I think I've gone overboard when it comes to training. I thaibox two … -
Sunday Feb 05, 2006
It's cold as hell outside... if hell ever froze over. When I went… -
Saturday Feb 04, 2006
I suck! I've got lots of alcohol in me and I've been told that tha…