Greetings fellow SG's..Wow soo much to tell, but sooo tired lolol... So I Offically have 6 days until my BIG 21... hehe Soo many exciting and eventful things are going to be happening and have happend already. IM finally back on the road again.. Its a '91 Mazda Hatchaback... Its cute.. but its a Bucket haha. No A/C.. i need to conver tit to R-34 er whatever the shyte and I have to Order Online the Dual "harness" to I can plug my Niice ass MP3 player deck into my car.. I accidently left that wire/ errr.. cable in the Mustang.. which is is looong gone already ha.. and last but not least new speakers.. I have computer speakers in my shyte lolol... but hey now I can leave my island, and try to get a steady job.... I live like mins away from Red Rock Park.. PAst the CAsino.. Past the 215.. like the bo0nies haha. and if you know where tht is... you know there aint shit for miles and a car is very necessary to go if anyone knows of any go0d places hiring.. from Tatto0 SHops, Retail shyte, Call Centers , Customer service,, Computer shyte, Promoting, Events and Gigs, who need models , oh hey even Airbrusg tatto0ing hah Let me know :-)
Annnywaays Im toootally stoked about a very particular feature with my car.. hehehe.. My goood friend "Awful" paints art on parts of old and classic cars and sells his work in L.A. its sooo goood., He has artsst from KIss, The Stray Cats, James Dean... shit who else maan soo many and its f***** awesome!. Anyways well he sho0ted me a text last week about Painting m car all.. "TankGirL" the F*** out.. Soo After meeting in Starbucks we proceeded to go out into the parkinglot and I told him what pictures from what pages, then pointed where I want it to be drawn er put on the car.. Its going to be flippin amazing! The inside.. Haha Z'OMG! I have little neon glow-in-the-dark stars on the inside of the ro0f of my car.. little mini trolls and dashbboard pirate crazy-glued to the dash of my car.. Ahh yes and ca't forget about the mini shrunken head I got from "Wacko's" up in Hollyo0d...its going to be badass when complete though.
also got 2 New Tatto0s... I will Post the actual picures up later but here is an is pictures of what I got .. but I got Marilyn Monroe On my Neck .. lexactly the same color scheme.. with only white, black and red.. and with the name "Marilyn" in cursive underneathe...
... and then I got this Bongo Girl on the right side of my right leg..
... Anyywho Maan this sucks uber llama's... 6 days til IM 21 and im NOT even going to be iin Las Vegas..the NUmber ONE City o be in on ones 21st Boday... to Celebrate my actual B-day.. I will be traveling to L.A. Sept. 5th-9th, to hagout with friends, do sho0ts,go to the beach and have some fun.. then an hour after I arrive on the 9th back i to Vegas... I have an hour and a half to get home, shower, change and jet my bo0ty to the MTV: VMA's at The Palms Hotel and Casino...wo0t-wo0t! That is the most ..ohhh maan i feel verrrrrrryyy effing lucky to have scored tickets to that... I have always wanted to go but I would have never guessed Id ever in my time get something sweet like that.. then BAM the next moring around 10am.. I fly to Portland, OR. to Visit the famfam.. and celebrate my mom and I's bday together.. and that will be awesome. b/c since we both livein diff. states we dont have that much communication other than the celly/e-mail.. so it will be nice to see her and my younger halflings. ;-P.. this time I Need to try to get a digital camera so I can actually document my trip.. LAst year on my 20th bday I flew up to see her and my sisters for the 1st time in 6 years. .... yup thts right I couldnt believe THAT much time had gone by...but it was very fun and i had lot of pix, video clips of soo much crap from my trip then when I got back to Vegas.. the people I was living ith Robbed me blind and stole my brand new $200 camera.. everything Lost for go0d... o0o0 was pissed but whteves..
then finally ..... 12 hours after I arrive back home on Sept. 14th... at 10pm.. I will be jetting my little bum to The Bunkhouse to meet up with mates, bullshit, smash some skulls to killer music and Drink A who0o0ole latta PABST!!!!!!!!! Yayuh b*****

p.s. I am also reeally trying to score tickets to
[The 12th Annual Fetish and Fantasy Halloween Ball I have allways wanted to go gand one of my Ex b;fs as of 2 1/2 yrs. used to set that up every year and Z'OMG id get soo0o0o jelouse all the crazy shi* that goes on there, and its halloweenie omg hello0o haha.. and awesome oufits . and you have to be 21.. but now I can finally go ...wo0t-wo0t! I am thinking of going as Carmen Electra where shes body painted blue and has prostetics glued to her as she plays, "Mystique"
in "Epic Movie" -Or- the Cute Dead Beauty Pagent Receptionist from, "Beetlejuice"
you all know you gotta love that movie .. and then finally since the Fetish and Fantasy Ball is only OCt 27th... Im thinking of Going as either one of those girls above and then on Actual Halloween NIght go to some other Club like KRAVE or idk some awesome party as , "SIX",
From Tripping the Rift on Scifi... orr do you guys thinkI should go to the Ball AS "Six" ? Any opinons anyone..? and last but not least "Leeloo"
..from the "5th Element".. here is another pic ..
from this image the costume doesnt seem thaaat complicated to make but if you look here maybe it is.. URL=]Making the Susupenders
P.S. On the body painting Costumes... IF anyone knows a go0d special effects make-up artist who does body painting that can customize peices to glue to me prior to actually getting pited for the "mystique" costuime that is and with go0d rates.let me know...
oh and a special requst... For my b-day Id loooove if some one would do some Fn Art of me.. :-)
Annnywaays Im toootally stoked about a very particular feature with my car.. hehehe.. My goood friend "Awful" paints art on parts of old and classic cars and sells his work in L.A. its sooo goood., He has artsst from KIss, The Stray Cats, James Dean... shit who else maan soo many and its f***** awesome!. Anyways well he sho0ted me a text last week about Painting m car all.. "TankGirL" the F*** out.. Soo After meeting in Starbucks we proceeded to go out into the parkinglot and I told him what pictures from what pages, then pointed where I want it to be drawn er put on the car.. Its going to be flippin amazing! The inside.. Haha Z'OMG! I have little neon glow-in-the-dark stars on the inside of the ro0f of my car.. little mini trolls and dashbboard pirate crazy-glued to the dash of my car.. Ahh yes and ca't forget about the mini shrunken head I got from "Wacko's" up in Hollyo0d...its going to be badass when complete though.
also got 2 New Tatto0s... I will Post the actual picures up later but here is an is pictures of what I got .. but I got Marilyn Monroe On my Neck .. lexactly the same color scheme.. with only white, black and red.. and with the name "Marilyn" in cursive underneathe...

then finally ..... 12 hours after I arrive back home on Sept. 14th... at 10pm.. I will be jetting my little bum to The Bunkhouse to meet up with mates, bullshit, smash some skulls to killer music and Drink A who0o0ole latta PABST!!!!!!!!! Yayuh b*****

p.s. I am also reeally trying to score tickets to
[The 12th Annual Fetish and Fantasy Halloween Ball I have allways wanted to go gand one of my Ex b;fs as of 2 1/2 yrs. used to set that up every year and Z'OMG id get soo0o0o jelouse all the crazy shi* that goes on there, and its halloweenie omg hello0o haha.. and awesome oufits . and you have to be 21.. but now I can finally go ...wo0t-wo0t! I am thinking of going as Carmen Electra where shes body painted blue and has prostetics glued to her as she plays, "Mystique"

in "Epic Movie" -Or- the Cute Dead Beauty Pagent Receptionist from, "Beetlejuice"

P.S. On the body painting Costumes... IF anyone knows a go0d special effects make-up artist who does body painting that can customize peices to glue to me prior to actually getting pited for the "mystique" costuime that is and with go0d rates.let me know...

oh and a special requst... For my b-day Id loooove if some one would do some Fn Art of me.. :-)
anyhow if you want some help with car stuff i can see what i have around here... i know a little about cars...