WOW ALOT has happened this past few months. Sorry if some of you feel I may have fallen off the face of the earth/. I haven't had internet in like forever and a year. I just moved less than a month ago. Got new wheels and got it effing totalled in an accident b/c some moron decided to talk on his cellphone and not pay attention to driving making me slam my brakes, fishtail like mad apeshyte and crash. Im working on getting a new one someime in the near fuure hopefully. I may have a sho0t coming up so0n. Not for SG unfortunatly but just normal sho0t to add to my portfoilio ect. I am rather excitied about it. and I double "x" my fngers that my uber sweet, caring,sexy and awesome b/f will let me use his tattoo shop as the location for my upcoming shoot. I will post those as-well as soon as I get them. I have re-dyed and buzzed my hair/hawk. Yes!! I still have my hawk kiddies dont cry Its still rawking! ANyways other than that, just trying to get my feet higher off the ground, get a new job ect. Has anyone seen "Grinhouse" yet? or "blades of Glory"??? I saw blades of glory but not Grinhouse.. UNfortunaly. I want to see it soooo effing bad but havent had he chance yet. I bought the metal lunch box collectors item and i want to get the bo0k of it from Borders arrg. I heard its ssoo flippin awesome too. I also just finally watched, "hedwig and the angry itch" Totally Awesome! Haha its like the new rocky horror hahah . na but ya i like the songs as co0ky and weird as they are, haha. it rocks. ANywho its 3:43AM and I am sooooo flipin tired. I'd love to fill you guys in in more but IM sooo tired. I am going to bed now..Hope everyone has been having a great few months that i have been very distant. I shall try to keep a better job at keeping you guys posted on whats shakin in my neck of the wo0ds. GOODNITE EVERYONE!!
LOve and Rockets,
Here's me now:
o0o0 Raco0n Tailnesss-aa
heyyy Whats goiiin on??
LOve and Rockets,

Here's me now:

o0o0 Raco0n Tailnesss-aa

heyyy Whats goiiin on??

Since the edges are so clear I figured it wasn't really done with plain eyeshadow. I tried pencilling it in but the skin around the eyes isn't tight enough to do that properly
And an attempt with just plain eyeshadow turned into a smudgy mess
I slapped some graphics together in photoshop,
uploaded the images to a host,
and insert them with the image tags.