SO today was pretty boring but at least I accomplished towing my stupid car to my friends house until I can sell it. It was actually an interesting task the tow truck chick seemed hewlla cool and was telling me about her really good friend who has a purple VW bug with a big mohawk on it using the bristles from those huuuge ass sweepers and dipping it in this black crap so its hard. I was like WOW that is sounds totally like My kind of car lolol. Then After going to my friends we checked out pictures of these old classic cars his had in his workshop where he works on and sells old rifles and what not used back in the 50's. Oh and the best part was having breakfast for dinner Mmm, Nothing better than some Waffles and Bakey. oH and Grape JUice lolol that was yup. Then we just worked on my ebay ad to sell my car. Grabbed some dog food from the store and Now Im back at the homeland spending some quality time with my little punk rock pooch. God he is amazing, my little man ahaha can't wait to get him inked on me .. Well its time for me to depart for now, until next time!
xXx Columbia xXx
xXx Columbia xXx


no not weir just animal cruelty lolol IM getting my dog tattooed as a cartoon on me sometime in the near future 
