Who0o0o0o0o0 FOr TrOmA-PalO0zA 2007
Duude OMG! I don't know if any of you locals went to the Bunkhouse Thursday night but if you didn't Whoa- BU-ddy you should of went it was purdy kick ass. Well all except for the part where they decided not to carry on with the flippin' bloody t-shirt contest me and Tini we're soo stoked about it that's wh ywe stayed so long, that and the bobbin' for body parts, but whatevs. The part where Loyd Koffman signed our chest oh kickass, and not to mention 3 hot biatches spittin' BEER on eachothers titties AHah Fun FUn. Here is an updated picture of my hawk Mmm Ah yes flyin with some colours..
Yes because bathro0ms at Bars rock Ahahah
just a random picture in car on way to show. Anywho how is everyones year starting of to? Good? Mine meh okay So far. Well this tanks gotta jet. Check ya later
Love and Rockets,
Miss Columbia

Duude OMG! I don't know if any of you locals went to the Bunkhouse Thursday night but if you didn't Whoa- BU-ddy you should of went it was purdy kick ass. Well all except for the part where they decided not to carry on with the flippin' bloody t-shirt contest me and Tini we're soo stoked about it that's wh ywe stayed so long, that and the bobbin' for body parts, but whatevs. The part where Loyd Koffman signed our chest oh kickass, and not to mention 3 hot biatches spittin' BEER on eachothers titties AHah Fun FUn. Here is an updated picture of my hawk Mmm Ah yes flyin with some colours..

Yes because bathro0ms at Bars rock Ahahah

just a random picture in car on way to show. Anywho how is everyones year starting of to? Good? Mine meh okay So far. Well this tanks gotta jet. Check ya later
Love and Rockets,
Miss Columbia

Good lord you're gorgeous!

Fuckin A sexy girl !!