SO.... Yeah Halloween is coming up and I have yet to get a flippin' costume or basically anything for that matter. Ok so I might be going on the Strip down Las Vegas Blvd. all jacked up ...meh..Big-whoop! I want to go to an effing party, but everyones so indicisive on their plans. Yarr. I mean my costume wil be pretty difficult to find anyways but thats where al the fun is you put in time and effort to put it together. Then again if something pops up last minute I can always use my back-up costume Bahahaha my Marilyn Monroe Shit.. Which was actually the situation a couple Duuude The Nightmare Before Xmas is in 3-D, that fucking badass1 I wanna go see it but it's only in selected theatres... meh bloody goukes. Okay well enough typing for right now. my fingers are getting numb.
Love and Rockets,
Love and Rockets,

Wow, you're purty!

Have fun