So it's about noon now and I'm just starting to wake up. I spent the last few days drinking which is pretty uncharacteristic of me because I rarely get drunk. But lately... iunno... theres a change that i've just been feeling.
Anyways, after coming out of it a bit, I realized theres some stuff to do so I probably should get more focused now. I need a new job, I need to finish the demos, I need to take my lovely dog to get his shots for the year and I need to deal with my bro's lawyer on Monday *sighs*.
You know how people have some things their never be good at even if they tried so hard to be at it? I'll never be good at math, no matter how hard I try I can't play hockey like I did, and I'll never be good at the whole dating thing.
Girls are like the biggest mystery to me, the ultimate math problem, the.... something relating to hockey....
They always seem to be so impulsive, one minute you can be their dream guy and the next they find someone better. When did using the word "love" become such a joke... I remember when I was a kid, I understand how much it meant when my grams said it to me, or when my mom and dad said it to each other. There was meaning behind it, and you didn't really knew the meaning but you know it was powerful.
Nowadays when I hear people say it, it just makes me want to laugh.
Anyways... I think i've bitched enough
but on the brightside
my hockey pool team is winning 6-1 this week
I named my team The Purswader
I know I spelled it wrong... now...
Anyways, after coming out of it a bit, I realized theres some stuff to do so I probably should get more focused now. I need a new job, I need to finish the demos, I need to take my lovely dog to get his shots for the year and I need to deal with my bro's lawyer on Monday *sighs*.
You know how people have some things their never be good at even if they tried so hard to be at it? I'll never be good at math, no matter how hard I try I can't play hockey like I did, and I'll never be good at the whole dating thing.
Girls are like the biggest mystery to me, the ultimate math problem, the.... something relating to hockey....
They always seem to be so impulsive, one minute you can be their dream guy and the next they find someone better. When did using the word "love" become such a joke... I remember when I was a kid, I understand how much it meant when my grams said it to me, or when my mom and dad said it to each other. There was meaning behind it, and you didn't really knew the meaning but you know it was powerful.
Nowadays when I hear people say it, it just makes me want to laugh.
Anyways... I think i've bitched enough
but on the brightside
my hockey pool team is winning 6-1 this week
I named my team The Purswader
I know I spelled it wrong... now...
Well looks are usually important for first impressions if you approach someone in a bar or something. But I think if anyone didn't give you a shot because of how you look, then they are shallow and not worth your time. Generally girls will prefer personality over looks, because having a dependable and sweet guy is more important than anything else, and liking someones personality also affects how you see them. As long as you are charming and can approach well, you are all set (plus you are cute so you shouldn't worry).
I think typically both women and men eventually get bored in a relationship. Humans aren't monogomous by nature and it's pretty uncommon that people stay interested for an extended period of time. Most people who stay together, stay because their relationship is dependable and comfortable. For example older people, they have been together so long, they know each other inside out.. why bother change, it's unlikely they would find a new partner after all that time. But younger people, it's a lot easier to seek out a new companion.