^_^ I've had a nice couple days. I started talking to Lanie again who i just love and adore, shes like easily the coolest girl I know. I kinda lost touch with her after I went to Europe for like 6 months... seems like I lost touch with a lot of my friends after that. =) but I'm glad I got Lanie back.
In other news I'm debating rather or not to cut my hair. I remember I started letting my hair grow long in high school just because no other guy in school had long hair. Now it seems like every guy I know has long hair and none have short. I always feel like I need to stand out, to be more original.
Any who...
My friend took this pic when i was on my web cam
Iunno how she did it
but I think the pic is kinda funny...
In other news I'm debating rather or not to cut my hair. I remember I started letting my hair grow long in high school just because no other guy in school had long hair. Now it seems like every guy I know has long hair and none have short. I always feel like I need to stand out, to be more original.
Any who...
My friend took this pic when i was on my web cam
Iunno how she did it
but I think the pic is kinda funny...

I've always thought that longer hair had more personality, but that's just me ^.^ and where did you go in Europe? I went there once when I was younger and I've been waiting impatiently since to go back...