@raphaelite is hot hot hot in the back of a taxi. She can comment on where to see it if she desires to pass it on. Lots of love to her for the sexy movie.
Went out last night to the Farside Bar for 8 ball and karaoke. There were some amazing singers band a few that were as bad as nails on a chalk board. It's always fun to watch how people interact, especially as the alcohol content increases. Had a great time!
Long day at work glad it is over. Ran into an old friend and enjoyed catching up. I was impressed that she's riding a CanAm to work and a Harley on the weekends. Hopefully, I'll get back to that level of health.
What a day. Has anyone else wondered why it's okay for the gals to get together at lunch and talk sex? If the guys do it we are just degrading women...