So this is my first ever journal entry... I've had the red pill in my pocket for ages, thought it was about time I took it! It started off on Friday in the Roadhouse, Covent Garden. Happy hour was finished. The cocktails went full price. As I got on top of the wave of spirits, I tired of the banter among my work colleagues... I'd heard it all before, I'd had that mask on all week and it was starting to get heavy. But what was underneath? Where was the white rabbit I was supposed to follow? And most of all, was I prepared to sit on my arse a moment longer and wait for it? Was I f**k. It was time to make like a Taoist sage of old...the sage doesn't react. He ACTS. I made my excuses and left.
I don't know what led me to the Intrepid Fox that evening. I'd been there years before just once. But as I left the Roadhouse, I knew I wasn't ready to head home, and I was tired of uncertainty - I had to be around people who looked how I feel, who know what it's like to be alone in a crowded room most of their lives. I do. And I knew more than ever that I had nothing to lose if the worst thing to happen that night was to end up alone in a crowded bar, as long as the guitars were loud and there wasn't too much piss sloshing around on the floor. One out of two ain't bad.
So thanks Kiki from Finland and her mate Adam, for asking me for a light, knowing who Jeff Buckley was, and generally reminding me that cool people are where you look for them. My first foray into the rabbithole, and I made out like a bandit! SO CAN YOU, so JUST DO IT PEOPLE...
I don't know what led me to the Intrepid Fox that evening. I'd been there years before just once. But as I left the Roadhouse, I knew I wasn't ready to head home, and I was tired of uncertainty - I had to be around people who looked how I feel, who know what it's like to be alone in a crowded room most of their lives. I do. And I knew more than ever that I had nothing to lose if the worst thing to happen that night was to end up alone in a crowded bar, as long as the guitars were loud and there wasn't too much piss sloshing around on the floor. One out of two ain't bad.
So thanks Kiki from Finland and her mate Adam, for asking me for a light, knowing who Jeff Buckley was, and generally reminding me that cool people are where you look for them. My first foray into the rabbithole, and I made out like a bandit! SO CAN YOU, so JUST DO IT PEOPLE...
Well fuck it! and welcome!
Cheers boss...