just rode home from killingsworth the weathers turned reeel cool like right before a storm maybe a thunderstorm havent had one of those in some time, i think im coming down now from my energy high feeling less sociable more introverted, riding my bike around portland ive made it a habit look up at second storey windows first cus im a snoop second cus its like a secret world that you dont think about sometimes if you get stuck in the trenches of life rushing around never looking up at whats going on at eyelevel anyway ive yet to witness anything eventful but every now and then a shadow or silhoute of someone moveing about can be seen folding clothes staring off int space or maybe looking at you it can work the other way around as elevated levels make great people watching spots when i was growing up in s.e portland i lived in one of the tallest house on the block that had an eagles nest perch and the very top of a slanted-ass roof we use to hang out there making strange noiese at passerby lisetning in on converstations a block away like in a canyon thats one part of portland that is lack rooftops and rooftops as living space its something you always see in the movies in nyc and east coast cities of course you could say portland has many large backyards that are world unto themselves but they tend to be a more private sphere looking inward which makes sense cus the city is cold formal and somewhat uptight in some regards anyway ive gone on long tangent and now im hitting a wall just some thoughts as i ride my bike up downt the streets and avenues looking lisetening at the sounds of the end of summer nearing wont be long before we start getting some september frost and the gutterpunks start straggling south and the bicyclists thin out as the daily showers wind kick in to gear wet buddies and steaming heads result from riding down the soaked streets well at least thats what i think i smelled in the air tonight fuck could have a prolonged summer