tear out my eyes and swallow -turn their lids to cinder, light the flame and let it linger.
burning deep down through blood vessels and bone, i'm already dead but you won't leave me alone.
it's the fleshy cinerary you keep me in that turns my ashes into mortal sin -i'm riving within. curdled in bloody lips -piss me out crimson and stillborn -broken and...
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i want a human skin lamp.... i want to be dry but damp, i want to have six wings and one leg protruding out the side of my left kidney and i want you to kick me. i'm drunk and puked up my lunch, but i'm hungry again. poke me with sticks, stick me with rusty nails and hammer me to the floor. shut the...
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i'll fucking kick you like the street king that you are
the holes have rusted over and the blood coagulated
no more do i feel the spray of your veins on my face
i stand still, blood caked face and blink at the mess of your surface
i smile at your mess the blood cracks and falls on your face
sparkles in your eyes have beaten once again
but i will break you down
did you feel that poke in your back?
check your chest cuz it's coming through the other side
funny, i didn't have to push that hard either
you are rotting away like a moldy peach just barely hanging on to the core of your soul
you think there is hope, but there is none.
rotting peachy flesh does not grow back to life
especially when it is mashed inbetween my fingers
i will smash you all and lay down in the mess...basking in my glorious kill...lusting over the stench of your rotting heart as i caress my cheek with it...making love to your death as i would never make love to you

this is how i make my days go by....
yummmmmy.... tastes like candy... well, not really but it's just as good. puke puke puke ARRR!!!
the world may be lost, but i've found bliss in the reverie of a fading memory. cut my writs with the point of my pen, wripped my guts with a rusty screwdriver, and set sail to fade pale swimming in a crimson sea that flows dark and cold from within me. i've killed every limb that loved you and darkness is setting in, bathed myself...
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gone? really? i think i'm sad..........i am sad.......
but that was better johnny boy...erasing me has already restored your fucked up heart...i'm sorry.
fate slips -falls through the cracks, the gaps between the hours between the minutes between the seconds of where i am and where i want to be.

shuffled gaits and slower motions - motor skills reflecting emotional ills, finding it harder and harder to breathe.

seeping the sopping drench of sinking feelings and foreboding ceilings -ships careening in seething seas, i fly my kites at...
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why am i your only friend?
are you lonely?
i fear you picked up the dusty package that got made without the warning label...
i am bad news...
i make boys and girls fall in love with me and then i break their hearts...not on purpose...but because dear johnny boy, although i am on the same quest as you to find true love that will last forever, right now i am only after the rush of the new person...it is a hard and never ending journey because that rush that i so crave flees so quickly that the other person never even knew what hit them. i thought i could only wreck people in real life, but i have done it over this shit box as well. i am sorry...you were great...you still are great...sometimes i wish we could have back what we had...i've never had a boy quite like you...you and all your beauty and your bad writing now (it used to be good, what happened? you are slipping my long lost love) but you were perfect...said the perfect things...said things no one has ever told me before...and it is gone...write me again johnnyboy...tell me about my innards and the blood you wish to shed from my body for leaving you cold and bruised in the dark cold pool of your own blood.......do it johnny...give it to me...only you have ever given me the words that my heart fucking craves for...that i am searching for...be him again johnny...
Proposal Essay Outline
Instructor McCloughan

Environmental Propaganda Agency

A. Smoking bans should be repealed from places of business where smoking is not allowed.
B. Many smoking bans were enacted on the basis of a report put out by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) in 1993 which stated that roughly 3,000 lung cancer deaths occur a year among non-smokers, and attributed those deaths to second...
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looking back at my previous journals..... i realize that i wrote almost everyone of them for you. some of them are pretty good... mostly the earlier ones, but now my inspiration has left me and i feel hollow once more... i don't know why you're scared to do what you feel -but fear is the mind killer as maud dib would say, we all kill...
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it's a blank white box, i'm going to fill it up again i'm going to mess it up again... scribble it down and mark it up black, stab it -pick at it, spilling my thoughts as wine -break that fucking glass, let the tiny shards pass into my bloodstream -their clogging up my works, you're creating the murk that floats down my stream -and there...
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So, you wana join the guild?
(Generic greeting everyone gets)
Sign in the welcome
This is a feedback-oriented group, comment, critique and contribute!
Make ready your contributions and comments, and as astronauts in to the unknown, come what may and what not.
Welcome, feel free to butcher, rewrite, or complement your fellow writers work, as this is a get into it group, the main reason for it being private. We are all pros, can take it, and invite the commentary to improve or sharpen perceptions. Although we are definitely not here to attack the individual, the intent is to provide support to the truth seekers.
Infringing upon copyright is expressly discouraged; please respect the hard work of your fellow artists. We hope to inspire, contribute and know our rights are protected, as this is the primary reason this is a private group. No work is to leave the group without the express consent of the author. You will be removed from the group and face legal ramifications. We are here to be real.
All writing styles, subjects, and interests are as different as the individual and after we get going we may choose to require a submission to enter.
With that said.
Welcome aboard and feel free to contribute, comment, and contact me anytime.


i'd sing you a song, but it would be out of key and i never said i could carry a tune for you it's just not me... so i'll write you something i thought up today while i was wasting my day away and sitting on my cold floor feeling the bitter ice blowing in under the door, i've been burned colder than this left...
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veins pumping ash and lungs circulating rust, it's hard to live when your hearts turned to dust. s.y.l.l.a.b.l.e.s. don't mean shit anymore wrip open my wounds and watch them bleed -running down my palm and dripping off the tips of my fingers kill the seed. play that sad sad song full of the sorrow that you loved me for, cut my loins with a butcher...
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