left my hand in a crematorium just to feel your burn, but as it turned to ash my dust blew away... fin.
Aw! damn D! how can you do that to me? shocked
so not cool! why'd you stop? if u dont mind my asking.
oh yeah, how come the pix that are supposed to be you are a guy with a beer? wah! come back! later sexy~
well.... nothing good has reall happened in my life the past 3 mos. i've got two dui's (which was just plain stupid.... me being stupid that is) one of my friends is going to jail for punching this guy in the face and my best friend's girlfriend saturday night was grabbed off the street, pulled into an abandoned house, and raped. i hope fucking october...
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3 text books: 196.00.... knowing that you still need to buy text for 2 other classes. priceless.
you drink. you drive. you lose.

being arrested sucks... in a nutshell.
i'm so hungry, do you have anything to feed me?
see the lines in the air- blurred waste distorting our perception, and as we crawl we see under but not through, not like i see through you. i say too much and the message gets lost in translation from my brain to yours; i can't help but notice the unfocused look in your brown glazed over eyes, and it creeps me out. man it's dark...
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you people are bullshit, if you were pools you'd be too shallow to swim in.... i fucking hate you and i hope you choke on your own words that spew out of your gaping holes in the middle of your faces like explosive diarrhea you pretentious sorry excuses for dietary waste. smile
retarded minds of modern times make decisions that affect us all and its this effect that causes rifts between us distance to distinguish us and its time we adore because its time we explore to try and reach with futile sheets of effervescent space all i want is to escape...
everything good never lasts and we all live in the past -reacting to moments flashing behind us we can never catch and if time changes rearranges the figure of our bones the elasticity of this bag of flesh we all grow old acting as objects sold to a cold world that doesn't care to a god we can't see i can't help but question to...
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the music is never loud enough when you're away and i can't think straight today now that you're gone.... has it really been this long since we last spoke since you last laughed at my make believe dirty jokes i just don't feel right tonight and it's all your fault i won't believe that i'm leaving and going and we won't see eachother anymore that...
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