so i was riding my bike home from work yesterday clipping along at an almost all out pace (18 mph +-2) goind north bound on high street, when a southbound car made a lefthand turn onto 17th right in front of me. i pulled on my brakes super hard and tried to turn away but that wasn't enough and I broadsided this old ladies car and flipped over my handle bars smashing up the windshield, knocking off the side view mirror and denting the passenger door and the fron quarter panel hardcore...and then she drove off..........
i'm completely fine by the way
i'm completely fine by the way
they just dont look where they are going.
is that by BW-3's? and and Larrys?
i hope you walked right in the door and ordered a beer.
but more importantly, hows the bike?
glad you're okay!
p.s. good party...mmmm, keg of foam!
[Edited on Aug 14, 2005 3:45PM]