last night my roomates cat pissed on my bed for the 5th time i was about to kill it, god it made me so mad, i never get angery and this creature was definitly on my shit list, everytime i forget to shut my bedroom door it runs in there and pisses all over the place, its a huge bitch, i'm usually and animal lover, well i love all but one.... really want to skin tha motherfucker
dude cat piss in the bed is like the absolute worst. especially since once they piss in one spot, they like to continue to piss there, gak
ummmm just so you know cats usually only go outside of their box if they are sick... they associate the pain of the sickness with the litter box and try to eliviate it by using other places to go... your roommate might want to take the cat to the vet and see if she has a urinary tract infection or bladder infection... or at least put a paper towl in the litter box and see if the urine looks even the slightest bit red or pink (meaning their is blood in the urine and she deffinitaly sick) but even if it doesnt look pink that doesnt mean there is no infection... please make him get her checked out... kitties are wonderful but they are the hardest animals to figure out when they are sick... they usually show no signs until it is really bad and then it takes a shit ton of money to fix...