Ive been downloading and watching an old BBC series called connections. Each episode takes some seemingly random event from the distant past and traces the effect it ends up having on the modern world. The series as a whole is about the interconnectedness of the world, and how thats going to affect us now and in the future. Good stuff.
Here is a speech the lead guy of the show gave. This with moving pictures is what the show was like.
midnyte's journal reminds me that I need to get some stuff to eat.
Food has been gotten. On a bit of a lark I went to the organic food store instead of the usual grocery store I go to. Feelings are mixed. The produce I got looks and tastes really fucking great. It didnt even seem to cost much more. However, most of the food thats been packaged or handled in some way, seemed to cost way the hell more. Maybe it was just the place I went too.
Here is a speech the lead guy of the show gave. This with moving pictures is what the show was like.
midnyte's journal reminds me that I need to get some stuff to eat.
Food has been gotten. On a bit of a lark I went to the organic food store instead of the usual grocery store I go to. Feelings are mixed. The produce I got looks and tastes really fucking great. It didnt even seem to cost much more. However, most of the food thats been packaged or handled in some way, seemed to cost way the hell more. Maybe it was just the place I went too.
You come over here, steal my pizza and Kool-Aid, and THEN go food shopping? What the hell?
My friend at work swears that organic produce tastes betterr. She will only eat organic food. There might be something to the organic thing...hmmmm