Tuesday Sep 28, 2004 Sep 28, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email Ive got a job interview Friday. Thats pretty sweet. But Ive also got a lot of homework to do between then and now. VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS godsmoker: Applying at Red Lobster? Mmmmm...seafood... Sep 29, 2004 rickroyal: Why does that strike me as the opening of a vaudville routine? "I've got a job interview on Friday." "That's good." "But I've got a lot of homework." "That's bad." "But the homework could help me get the job." "That's good." "But the job..." Sep 29, 2004
"I've got a job interview on Friday."
"That's good."
"But I've got a lot of homework."
"That's bad."
"But the homework could help me get the job."
"That's good."
"But the job..."