Well, where to begin.
The beginning I suppose.
-I'd like to say that I'm all done with school and graduated and stuff, but the single class that's holding me back got canceled. The next reasonable time to take it doesn't start for another month.
-We've moved into our new place. We both like it rather a lot. In fact, the process of living with the GF has been significantly less weird and awkward than I was fearing.
-My brother came down to visit. We saw a few of the sights and visited a couple of friends who I haven't seen so much lately. Good Times.
-The only thing less employable than a guy with a history degree is a guy with most of a history degree.
Actually the situation isn't that bad, while not many jobs ask for 'em by name, they work pretty well for "or related." I don't much care for the application/resume writing though. It just seems so fake. The only honest answer to "why I want this job?" has to include 'cause it's going to pay me. I mean, I don't even have the job yet and they want me to, uh, creatively answer their questions.
-I'm kind of excited about Sicko. The health care situation is pretty messed up and hopefully it will make heath care reform a big issue in the next election.
-An unfortunate side effect of school was that it made me stop reading for fun. That's distressed me for sometime. But since I've got more free time than I'm really comfortable with, I've been getting back into the habit. Right now I'm going though "Stiff" by Mary Roach. I'm thinking about picking up "His Dark Materials." What have you read that was good lately?
The beginning I suppose.
-I'd like to say that I'm all done with school and graduated and stuff, but the single class that's holding me back got canceled. The next reasonable time to take it doesn't start for another month.
-We've moved into our new place. We both like it rather a lot. In fact, the process of living with the GF has been significantly less weird and awkward than I was fearing.
-My brother came down to visit. We saw a few of the sights and visited a couple of friends who I haven't seen so much lately. Good Times.
-The only thing less employable than a guy with a history degree is a guy with most of a history degree.

Actually the situation isn't that bad, while not many jobs ask for 'em by name, they work pretty well for "or related." I don't much care for the application/resume writing though. It just seems so fake. The only honest answer to "why I want this job?" has to include 'cause it's going to pay me. I mean, I don't even have the job yet and they want me to, uh, creatively answer their questions.
-I'm kind of excited about Sicko. The health care situation is pretty messed up and hopefully it will make heath care reform a big issue in the next election.
-An unfortunate side effect of school was that it made me stop reading for fun. That's distressed me for sometime. But since I've got more free time than I'm really comfortable with, I've been getting back into the habit. Right now I'm going though "Stiff" by Mary Roach. I'm thinking about picking up "His Dark Materials." What have you read that was good lately?
Here's my problem with Sicko. No, with Michael Moore. I have seen some of his work, and I have yet to see him do anything other than press HIS point. The only time I've seen him talk about the opposing viewpoint was very quickly, and very quietly.
The other problem I have is that people like to watch Michael Moore's films, and use it as the basis for their opinion. In that, people get intrigued by what Michael Moore has to say, but they don't look into it any more than what Mr. Moore tells them. Then when they talk about it with their friends, they can only quote Michael Moore which not only makes their argument weak, it weakens the entire viewpoint.
Oh yeah, and Michael Moore's tactics just REALLY annoy me.
So don't fear...you'll get your groove back.