So the meet up was alright, I got to hang out with some folks I dont get to see enough. I do wish a few more of the SG Tucson people showed up. But the derby is always fun. Iron Curtain lost. No big surprise there. Maybe their rookies will help out after theyve been seasoned some more.
More Blogs
Tuesday Jul 26, 2005
So whats up? I should be studying for a test and had I any self co… -
Wednesday Jul 06, 2005
So, the not being on SG trend continues -
Tuesday Jun 28, 2005
Well, Im done with Spanish for a week which means Ill be here a bit m… -
Sunday Jun 19, 2005
HA hahahahe So I havent been on SG very much lately. Sorry. But Ive … -
Saturday Jun 11, 2005
So awhile back I heard Devo's cover of satisfaction playing while I w… -
Tuesday Jun 07, 2005
I just started a paper with Communities of Violence is an attempt to … -
Monday Jun 06, 2005
Why must I be such a procrastinator? And why must SG be such a conven… -
Monday May 30, 2005
Ok, real update. Supergp and I watched Troy and Ginger Snaps last … -
Wednesday May 25, 2005
Im the process of moving to a new apartment. Right now my bed and my …
I'm going to be down in T-Town soon though... WE SHALL KICK IT!
P.S. what's up with D&D sir?