So, a lot of things change in 5 years!
New job is going fantastic! Finished my training last week and gonna be doing it properly from tomorrow onwards. Got some funny hours though, 12:45 till 9pm. Ah well, at least i get to sleep in
Not a morning person myself
As you can see, got my hair cut, i think it looks great. Was bored of the long hair and stuff.
Trying hard to...
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As you can see, got my hair cut, i think it looks great. Was bored of the long hair and stuff.
Trying hard to...
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Congrats on the new job! Funny hours can be weird, but they can also be really really good. Have you thought about using the hook-up board to see if anyone is going to a festival this year? Everyone I've met in real life through SG has been fantastic, so it's a bit scary but it should work out okay.
I'm doing very well.
How are you?
btw- i added you becaues you have really good taste in music
How are you?
btw- i added you becaues you have really good taste in music
Well after a fair while, im back ^^
Tomorrow i start my new job, ill be working in a call centre taking incoming calls (directory enquirys) so i have 2 weeks training, then onto the real thing. Woot"
Things are going cool in my life, and now this job pops up, its added some focus for me to get back on track.
Gotta check out...
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Tomorrow i start my new job, ill be working in a call centre taking incoming calls (directory enquirys) so i have 2 weeks training, then onto the real thing. Woot"
Things are going cool in my life, and now this job pops up, its added some focus for me to get back on track.

Gotta check out...
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welcome back
my account will be expiring soon :-/ sg > rent but my landlady = devil incarnate.

my account will be expiring soon :-/ sg > rent but my landlady = devil incarnate.
I hope that the new job is still going well. Talk to you soon.

Well guys, i guess this is goodbye for now.
I have an up and coming 35 internet bill and SG account bill, and i have absolutly no money to my name, so im forced to cancel both subscriptions.
This will serverly suck, as SG is one of, if not THE best communities ive joined and been a part of. Its been a pleasure taking part...
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I have an up and coming 35 internet bill and SG account bill, and i have absolutly no money to my name, so im forced to cancel both subscriptions.
This will serverly suck, as SG is one of, if not THE best communities ive joined and been a part of. Its been a pleasure taking part...
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Yes they are, more info on their webby if you're interested. 

Yeah, they're supporting the Raveonettes at the Carling Academy in London on March the 15th. 

Yum yum yum. 100's of mince pies later, christmas is over. A poo christmas overall, but i probably put that down to me getting old, and the magic fading away. I should start getting on with my university application, cause if i dont get that done soon, then my little plan in life will be ruined.
Must start a fresh elsewere! Must go to university!...
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Must start a fresh elsewere! Must go to university!...
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Awww, thanks for the b'day wishes - I shall save them for my real b'day. Gawsh, I'm such a mysterious fuck.
Enjoy this year!
Enjoy this year!
thanx dear... for your comment on my set..... sorry i'm a little late on writing back... happy year!
Damn, im so stoned and drunk.
Merry christmas.
Merry christmas.
Oh hum
More doom and gloom on the Colin front this week. The place were i was working, TGS warehouse, decided it didnt need its agency staff, as their own could cater for the run up till christmas, meaning i dont have a job now. To make this even worse, my mum has started getting on mine and my brothers back about money even more....
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More doom and gloom on the Colin front this week. The place were i was working, TGS warehouse, decided it didnt need its agency staff, as their own could cater for the run up till christmas, meaning i dont have a job now. To make this even worse, my mum has started getting on mine and my brothers back about money even more....
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Merry Christmas/Happy Chanukah and I wish you a drunken and raucous New Year. You could become a hit man then you'll get paid and you get to use your new found urge to kill.
back right at ya!
Heheheh, it's so nice to be chatting with you. You make me happy.
I am sorry you are down in the dumps. I hope tomorrow night is a blast for you.

Heheheh, it's so nice to be chatting with you. You make me happy.

Hating work so much, its hard wanting to go to a cold factory full of fuck heads and utter twats, all being really laddish calling each other sweaty cunts and talking football. 12 hours of standing in the most uncomfortable boots ive ever been in, leaving me in crippling foot pain at the end of the day. Im considering ringing in sick again today, but...
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I think you should leave for something better if you honestly hate it. 

Boredom Creations
I heart these things
Do i look feminine to anyone?
Today i was sat at the bus stop after i finished work, and i had my hat off, so my hair was all out and blowing in the wind. One white truck passed, a couple of workmen type people in there, they bibbed their horn at me!
Im like
Then, if that wasnt bad enough, a few minutes later,...
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Today i was sat at the bus stop after i finished work, and i had my hat off, so my hair was all out and blowing in the wind. One white truck passed, a couple of workmen type people in there, they bibbed their horn at me!
Im like

Then, if that wasnt bad enough, a few minutes later,...
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Sorry about earlier.

Job rang me up this morning, and told me that i can start tomorrow! Fuck yeah!
Job rang me up this morning, and told me that i can start tomorrow! Fuck yeah!
Have a great day at work.
I adore the new profile picture.
Thanks for the foot massage.

I adore the new profile picture.

Thanks for the foot massage.

Well done man. I need a job oneday